Clueless South African


We just had a native South African telling a division of American natives what the Pledge of Allegiance says and it's meaning? You stupid worthless bitch! You have zero awareness of your audience and you sucked at your message delivery. Let us remind you Yolande, Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s. Please don't ever try to push you're corporate garbage into the mouths of us who were born and raised here and fought to defend the rights and freedoms of the United States of America. Today you embarrassed yourself and you lost your audience.

We just had a native South African telling a division of American natives what the Pledge of Allegiance says and it's meaning? You stupid worthless bitch! You have zero awareness of your audience and you sucked at your message delivery. Let us remind you Yolande, Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s. Please don't ever try to push you're corporate garbage into the mouths of us who were born and raised here and fought to defend the rights and freedoms of the United States of America. Today you embarrassed yourself and you lost your audience.
Yes! Fuck her!

We just had a native South African telling a division of American natives what the Pledge of Allegiance says and it's meaning? You stupid worthless bitch! You have zero awareness of your audience and you sucked at your message delivery. Let us remind you Yolande, Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s. Please don't ever try to push you're corporate garbage into the mouths of us who were born and raised here and fought to defend the rights and freedoms of the United States of America. Today you embarrassed yourself and you lost your audience.

We just had a native South African telling a division of American natives what the Pledge of Allegiance says and it's meaning? You stupid worthless bitch! You have zero awareness of your audience and you sucked at your message delivery. Let us remind you Yolande, Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s. Please don't ever try to push you're corporate garbage into the mouths of us who were born and raised here and fought to defend the rights and freedoms of the United States of America. Today you embarrassed yourself and you lost your audience.

Poorly communicated and she should have never brought the issue up. Why she went off script and addressed that topic was uncomfortable. Our CEO sent a letter on the matter and that should have been the end of it.

Pleas tell me two things:
Does Yolanda know that Vyzultabisnover 90.00 on Humana? This is not the same cost for Rhopressa?! These aren’t apples to apples and she needs to understand we can’t grow our share until we are playing in the same ball game.
2. What is the role of our managers? visual field rides are a JOKE! The managers are filtering emails and our company is paying a lot of money for managers to filter emails. This is ridiculous and annoying.

Mr. Papa what ever happens with our spin off please for the love of God get rid of Yolanda. She is a horrible bumbling stumbling hot mess. She is way over her head and lacks competence with basic leadership skills.

I can not believe this thread! How could someone not like Yolanda? How could you sit on this thread and insult this woman like this. She did not just Drop from the sky and land this position. She has done amazing things for this organization and frankly she is rooting out the bad trees here! Some of you old Valeant Reps that are still here, need to be gone! The ones of you that just sit here and complain then when we have any change, you complain about the changes. Her message on that call was much needed and I felt inspired by her! When they added a division to Ocular, most of you complained because you REPS, think you know how to run a company. It’s a lot of you that need to go and trust me it’s coming!