Clinical Specialist Position for an RN!

I'm not sure what the Flo Trac Clinicals make, but the TAVR Clinicals start at approx $120K plus bonus. I work very hard with a lot of travel, but many territories are smaller and have less overnight travel.

Any position in Sales is NOT a 8-5 job. There are a lot of early mornings, many evenings, and it can be invasive initially (until you get used to it). The hardest thing for me to adjust to was the overnight trips with a different hotel each night. It's not every week, but it happens and was a change for me personally.

That said, I respect my co-workers, feel privileged to play a very small part in patient care, and am paid well for my work (although I do feel we earn every penny and then some).

Edwards treats their Clinicals better than some other companies. For example, the Clinicals can win President's Club, not just the Sales Reps. I feel recognized for my work overall and feel good about the company. I also feel Edwards has a solid product pipeline (in my division), which is important to me since many device companies have lay-offs after lay-offs.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck with your interviews.

I'm not sure what the Flo Trac Clinicals make, but the TAVR Clinicals start at approx $120K plus bonus. I work very hard with a lot of travel, but many territories are smaller and have less overnight travel.

Any position in Sales is NOT a 8-5 job. There are a lot of early mornings, many evenings, and it can be invasive initially (until you get used to it). The hardest thing for me to adjust to was the overnight trips with a different hotel each night. It's not every week, but it happens and was a change for me personally.

That said, I respect my co-workers, feel privileged to play a very small part in patient care, and am paid well for my work (although I do feel we earn every penny and then some).

Edwards treats their Clinicals better than some other companies. For example, the Clinicals can win President's Club, not just the Sales Reps. I feel recognized for my work overall and feel good about the company. I also feel Edwards has a solid product pipeline (in my division), which is important to me since many device companies have lay-offs after lay-offs.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck with your interviews.

Hi there and thanks for this intelligent reply. If I may ask, what location are you in that you need to travel overnight so frequently? I was told that overnight travel would not be much, except for annual meeting and perhaps once or twice per year. The territory I would be working wouldn't require me to travel from what I understand. I've progressed through several interviews. I do have a family so I'm just trying to get as much info as possible. I am an excellent clinician and I know I would be an excellent CFS. If there is anything else you can tell me(you've already said a lot I know), I am very appreciative. I'm just trying to make the best informed decision.

TAVR Clin Spec probably has minimal travel period. Count on 2-3 region mtgs, NSM annually, and maybe a couple training type mtgs a year. Thus the previous comment re: 6-8 weeks travel/yr minimum. It's broken up but still travel

Depending on your territory you could travel much more. If you are in a larger city could be none to minimal. Obviously rural areas such as upper Midwest like ND, SD, etc you will travel. Maybe parts of the south.

If TAVR take it and never look back. Elite product, great division and best pay for a nurse in a medical device Clin spec role If Critical Care--run. Old products trying to be repurposed as new, way too much overhead (too many clinicals already--a result of reps not wanting to do their job sadly).