Clinical Sales Manager at Intuitive Surgical: the best and the worst

I know RC. He is a VP at Mosimo. Doing very well. The fact of the matter... current leadership is not impressive. They sit on their cloud and truly believe they are smarter than anyone else. The only ones who get promoted are the ones who kiss their ass: BC, DS, SD, BK back in the day... anyway, sick of talking about it. They aren't going anywhere.... they have their thumb on everyone and rule by fear. Has the culture changed? No, it has only gotten worse. Especially because our numbers are in the toilet. Where is leadership? With all their infinite wisdom, they can't turn the tide on this one. It has too much downward momentum... mayda, mayda.......brrrrrruuuuummmmmm..... crash

I know a CSM that once was at a P&R with his rep and CSD and AVP and excused himself to go meet a guy that was buying car seat his wife sold on Craigslist. No lie!!!

You can't make this up!