Cleveland Clinic announces job cuts to prepare for Obamacare

If you truly had a degree on how congress operates, you should know this and maybe you might want to consider asking for a refund MORON:

On Thursday’s NewsHour, PBS co-anchor Hari Sreenivasan misled viewers in a story about the latest action in Congress regarding the $984-billion continuing resolution -- a spending bill which will fund federal government operations through September 30, when the current fiscal year ends. Said Sreenivasan: “That spending legislation was necessary because Congress hasn't passed a budget in years.”

The U.S. House of Representatives has repeatedly passed budget resolutions. It's just that the Democratic-controlled Senate has failed to approve a budget, any budget, in more than three years.

In 2011 and 2012, the Republican-controlled House did in fact pass a budget. However, it takes both houses of Congress to enact a budget. By law, each house is required to pass its own version of the budget, and then they must work out their differences through a conference committee in order to pass a final version.

Since 2009, the Democratic-controlled Senate has failed to pass a budget. Without the Senate’s cooperation, Congress as a whole has been unable to fulfill its constitutional duty to produce a budget for the past three years. It’s also worth noting that the Democratic-controlled House failed to pass a budget in 2010. One would think 2010 would have been an easy year to pass a budget, as Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, but alas, that was an election year in which ObamaCare was already a contentious sticking point.

Name calling again? You sound like an angry little man. I can tell you need this broken down once again... If you are asked to submit your projected spend to your manager based on the number of engagements you have on the books for that month. You decide not to include some events on the books that you don't like. Events that were already agreed upon. So you send in an incomplete projection. That is basically what the house is doing. The majority of Americans, the executive branch, the senate, all expect this legislation in the budget. It even passed muster IN THE SUPREME COURT. Really, it is a group of unhappy republicans in the house that are holding everyone hostage on this from a FINANCIAL perspective. They are absolutely CRUSHING their own reputation on this. They are blind.

So, I have addressed your talking points but I noticed you had little to say about fiscal discipline... What do you have to say for republicans only wanting to cut 1.5 trillion from the budget in the last government showdown vs the 4.5 that democrats wanted?

It blows my mind how blind staunch republicans are right now. I was a republican for YEARS but the the party changed, drastically, for the worse. That party has been hijacked. That's why republicans enjoy historically low approval from within their won party.

The last head of the GOP was Michael Steele, right? What a joke... He ran the GOP into massive debt, lost the house and senate under his watch, and was involved in a scandal where GOP funds were being used to take potential donors out to strip clubs in california.

Sarah Palin??? You CANNOT convince me that she should have been our Vice President. Mama Grizzly? C'mon now... Rick Perry??? He cannot remember 3 talking points in a national debate among.... wait for it... REPUBLICANS. I can't imagine his performance against an opposing incumbent party. Michelle Bachman??? She just got back from Egypt with two other dumbass tea baggers who apparently were over there having a press conference to applaud the military for their coup de' tat. Really? We have legislation on the books that says all funding should be cut off from this country if there is a coup. Michelle is over there with a microphone like she's an ambassador or the president. If you are not the president or an ambassador, then shut up.

Ted Cruz rants about Obama not being US born even though documentation proves he is. Documentation also proves that Ted Cruz is CANADIAN. Again, Ted Cruz, shut up.

Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney... All they had to do is act normal... Thats it... Instead, they alienate over half of the country with their comments that were captured on hidden camera at a fundraiser. They had the pants beat right off of them... Why? Because by the time you alienate women, gay rights activists, hispanics (think immigration policy), anyone receiving any kind of check from the government, students (remember, republicans wanted to let student loan rates go up), the auto industry and its ancillary businesses (remember, Mitt Romney said let them go under), there is no one left to vote for you. Well, except people like you.

Look, you're a moron, but I will give you credit. You are completely wrong, but at least you have demonstrated some ability to think and form opinions that are relevant to the topic, unlike your liberal friend who obsesses on religion.

I'll give you a full response later, so you don't appear so stupid moving forward.

You have brought-up a lot of disconnected issues. I will try to address them one by one as I have time.

You claim Romney alienated half the voters. That half was never going to vote for him anyway. Romney was not a strong candidate, I will totally concede... but he is far better than what we have. Also, he was completely correct in talking about the 47% or whatever percent he stated. There is little over half of Americans that pay federal income taxes. They actually pull the wagon we call the government. The other 40+% just go along for the "free" ride. So his point was, when he talked about lowering taxes, it fell on deaf-ears to 47% because they already don't pay... they take. It's called redistribution of wealth. You may be in favor of that or maybe not, but that's what it is and that's what he was talking about.

That 40+% is relevant again when talking about Obamacare. That is the same percent of the population which will be eligible for the government subsidies, while many of us will be stuck paying almost $3000 per person. It is simply another wealth redistribution plan.

I REALLY HOPE Obamacare is all that you people think it will be.