Cleveland Clinic announces job cuts to prepare for Obamacare

While the Mayo Clinic continues to expand its influence throughout the country by partnering with local clinics... It takes innovation to stay at the top... Instead of posting on Cafe Pharma, why don't you send a note to congress that says pass a damn budget and quit trying to vote on Obamacare for the 41st time.

While the Mayo Clinic continues to expand its influence throughout the country by partnering with local clinics... It takes innovation to stay at the top... Instead of posting on Cafe Pharma, why don't you send a note to congress that says pass a damn budget and quit trying to vote on Obamacare for the 41st time.

They are passing a budget that funds the entire BLOATED government with the exception of the worst piece of legislation in U.S. history. That's what congress does. They hold the purse strings. It's their job moron. It is one of the few ways congress can reign-in an out of control executive branch.

Mayo clinic is superior in many ways - but it's operational/marketing arm is not unlike others around the country Mt. Sinai, Cleveland Clinic, Scripts, MD Anderson et. al.... (we lend you our name/marketing you lend us your study patients). No superiority there for you Mayo.

They are passing a budget that funds the entire BLOATED government with the exception of the worst piece of legislation in U.S. history. That's what congress does. They hold the purse strings. It's their job moron. It is one of the few ways congress can reign-in an out of control executive branch.

Moron? You are funny. Congress added Obamacare to the budget 41 votes ago. They have already bought healthcare. Now its time to pay for it in the budget. Let me brake this down into terms you can understand...

When you go buy your used PT Cruiser, you don't just miraculously decide a few months later to not make a payment. You have already purchased it. You cannot default on that payment because you now want to "trim money from your budget" on something unrelated.

You know what? Nevermind... Just keep watching Sean Hannity...

Moron? You are funny. Congress added Obamacare to the budget 41 votes ago. They have already bought healthcare. Now its time to pay for it in the budget. Let me brake this down into terms you can understand...

When you go buy your used PT Cruiser, you don't just miraculously decide a few months later to not make a payment. You have already purchased it. You cannot default on that payment because you now want to "trim money from your budget" on something unrelated.

You know what? Nevermind... Just keep watching Sean Hannity...

When did Obamacare pass? Which Republican supported it? It doesn't officially start til 2014. So which Republican voted to fund it?

I am glad you used the old PT Cruiser analogy, because Obamare isn't even equivalent to a YUGO and Nobody would agree to buy such a piece of shit. So if we haven't already bought this piece-o-shit, there is no reason to finance it.

It is called Congress actually doing their job. You should read a little bit on how our government is designed to work. A good starting point might be to lookup seperation of powers and power of the purse of congress.

When did Obamacare pass? Which Republican supported it? It doesn't officially start til 2014. So which Republican voted to fund it?

I am glad you used the old PT Cruiser analogy, because Obamare isn't even equivalent to a YUGO and Nobody would agree to buy such a piece of shit. So if we haven't already bought this piece-o-shit, there is no reason to finance it.

It is called Congress actually doing their job. You should read a little bit on how our government is designed to work. A good starting point might be to lookup seperation of powers and power of the purse of congress.

Wow, that's one fact-free post.
Typical for a member of the Teahadist crowd.

When did Obamacare pass? Which Republican supported it? It doesn't officially start til 2014. So which Republican voted to fund it?

I am glad you used the old PT Cruiser analogy, because Obamare isn't even equivalent to a YUGO and Nobody would agree to buy such a piece of shit. So if we haven't already bought this piece-o-shit, there is no reason to finance it.

It is called Congress actually doing their job. You should read a little bit on how our government is designed to work. A good starting point might be to lookup seperation of powers and power of the purse of congress.

R U that mad, bro?

I used a PT Cruiser analogy because people who think like you would be most apt to think they are cool. So based on your logic, should congress vote on every bill that has been passed 41 times? I should "read up" on how our congress operates? I have a degree in it. Do you?

You're like Ahmedinijahd (Can't spell his name correctly and am ok with it) in that you like to selectively remember events of the past. Remember how he denied that the holocaust ever happened? You are denying that congress APPROVED Obamacare already. It does not matter what Republicans voted on it because THERE WERE NOT ENOUGH OF THEM IN THE CONGRESS and consequently lost the vote.

Furthermore, listen to yourself... You are all worried about the budget, eh? Remember the last government shutdown debate? The one where the teaparty hi-jacked the GOP into not compromising on cuts to spending? You DO realize that we lost our AAA rating on that, right? You DO recall that Obama was proposing 4.5 (TR)illion in cuts to spending while Republicans refused to budge off of 1.5 Trillion, right? READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH AGAIN. That's what I want you to read up on. The last paragraph. Republicans REFUSED, cried bloody murder, and induced the loss of our AAA rating because they couldn't give up the extra 3 trillion that Obama wanted to cut.

Your arguments are laughable.

R U that mad, bro?

I used a PT Cruiser analogy because people who think like you would be most apt to think they are cool. So based on your logic, should congress vote on every bill that has been passed 41 times? I should "read up" on how our congress operates? I have a degree in it. Do you?

You're like Ahmedinijahd (Can't spell his name correctly and am ok with it) in that you like to selectively remember events of the past. Remember how he denied that the holocaust ever happened? You are denying that congress APPROVED Obamacare already. It does not matter what Republicans voted on it because THERE WERE NOT ENOUGH OF THEM IN THE CONGRESS and consequently lost the vote.

Furthermore, listen to yourself... You are all worried about the budget, eh? Remember the last government shutdown debate? The one where the teaparty hi-jacked the GOP into not compromising on cuts to spending? You DO realize that we lost our AAA rating on that, right? You DO recall that Obama was proposing 4.5 (TR)illion in cuts to spending while Republicans refused to budge off of 1.5 Trillion, right? READ THE LAST PARAGRAPH AGAIN. That's what I want you to read up on. The last paragraph. Republicans REFUSED, cried bloody murder, and induced the loss of our AAA rating because they couldn't give up the extra 3 trillion that Obama wanted to cut.

Your arguments are laughable.

If you truly had a degree on how congress operates, you should know this and maybe you might want to consider asking for a refund MORON:

On Thursday’s NewsHour, PBS co-anchor Hari Sreenivasan misled viewers in a story about the latest action in Congress regarding the $984-billion continuing resolution -- a spending bill which will fund federal government operations through September 30, when the current fiscal year ends. Said Sreenivasan: “That spending legislation was necessary because Congress hasn't passed a budget in years.”

The U.S. House of Representatives has repeatedly passed budget resolutions. It's just that the Democratic-controlled Senate has failed to approve a budget, any budget, in more than three years.

In 2011 and 2012, the Republican-controlled House did in fact pass a budget. However, it takes both houses of Congress to enact a budget. By law, each house is required to pass its own version of the budget, and then they must work out their differences through a conference committee in order to pass a final version.

Since 2009, the Democratic-controlled Senate has failed to pass a budget. Without the Senate’s cooperation, Congress as a whole has been unable to fulfill its constitutional duty to produce a budget for the past three years. It’s also worth noting that the Democratic-controlled House failed to pass a budget in 2010. One would think 2010 would have been an easy year to pass a budget, as Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, but alas, that was an election year in which ObamaCare was already a contentious sticking point.

If you truly had a degree on how congress operates, you should know this and maybe you might want to consider asking for a refund MORON:

On Thursday’s NewsHour, PBS co-anchor Hari Sreenivasan misled viewers in a story about the latest action in Congress regarding the $984-billion continuing resolution -- a spending bill which will fund federal government operations through September 30, when the current fiscal year ends. Said Sreenivasan: “That spending legislation was necessary because Congress hasn't passed a budget in years.”

The U.S. House of Representatives has repeatedly passed budget resolutions. It's just that the Democratic-controlled Senate has failed to approve a budget, any budget, in more than three years.

In 2011 and 2012, the Republican-controlled House did in fact pass a budget. However, it takes both houses of Congress to enact a budget. By law, each house is required to pass its own version of the budget, and then they must work out their differences through a conference committee in order to pass a final version.

Since 2009, the Democratic-controlled Senate has failed to pass a budget. Without the Senate’s cooperation, Congress as a whole has been unable to fulfill its constitutional duty to produce a budget for the past three years. It’s also worth noting that the Democratic-controlled House failed to pass a budget in 2010. One would think 2010 would have been an easy year to pass a budget, as Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, but alas, that was an election year in which ObamaCare was already a contentious sticking point.

Funny, the "budget" that the House keeps passing is basically the Ryan budget. You know, the loser that was part of the team that got thier asses hilariously kicked in the last Pres election! This was a team that LOST every voting demographics except White Men and people over 65 years old. The US Repubs in Congress also lost the election. Sure, district by district if you score winners and loser they get a mojarity but if you add up all the votes cast and score a "popular" vote the Dems running for Congress got more than 1.5 M voted more than the Rupubs.

So yes, it is obvious that the Repubs in Congress are doing a good job of representing the interests of old wkite people who are used to feeding at the govt trough and feel threatened when things aren't going their way.

The Repub party is now at an all time low in voter affiliation in the Pew Poll andf the Dems are beating them by 10 points, also a historical HIGH. The Repub contolled Congress that you so proudly pointed out did it's constitutonal duty and passed those budgets are in the 15-20% approval range. Not even HALF of the Repubs approve of them.

Unless you are a Creationist / Biblical Literalist and are thus irrational, there is no doubt that the Repubs have a losing strategy. So I hope that they continue to listen to fucking morons like you and your Faux News "facts" and keep doing what they are doing so that we can flush these old white schriveled turds down the demographic toilet where they belong.

Funny, the "budget" that the House keeps passing is basically the Ryan budget. You know, the loser that was part of the team that got thier asses hilariously kicked in the last Pres election! This was a team that LOST every voting demographics except White Men and people over 65 years old. The US Repubs in Congress also lost the election. Sure, district by district if you score winners and loser they get a mojarity but if you add up all the votes cast and score a "popular" vote the Dems running for Congress got more than 1.5 M voted more than the Rupubs.

So yes, it is obvious that the Repubs in Congress are doing a good job of representing the interests of old wkite people who are used to feeding at the govt trough and feel threatened when things aren't going their way.

The Repub party is now at an all time low in voter affiliation in the Pew Poll andf the Dems are beating them by 10 points, also a historical HIGH. The Repub contolled Congress that you so proudly pointed out did it's constitutonal duty and passed those budgets are in the 15-20% approval range. Not even HALF of the Repubs approve of them.

Unless you are a Creationist / Biblical Literalist and are thus irrational, there is no doubt that the Repubs have a losing strategy. So I hope that they continue to listen to fucking morons like you and your Faux News "facts" and keep doing what they are doing so that we can flush these old white schriveled turds down the demographic toilet where they belong.

Going back to your usual rant when confronted with facts? Really... Biblical literalists again??? Is this really relevant in a discussion of how Dems run the country and are overseeing the destruction of America? Pathetic.

Going back to your usual rant when confronted with facts? Really... Biblical literalists again??? Is this really relevant in a discussion of how Dems run the country and are overseeing the destruction of America? Pathetic.

Funny, the post that I replied to was missing a few facts. Just like reality denying Biblical Litteralists. There is a connection. Beleiving that any significant claim in the Bible is letterally true is the equivalent of beleiving in Santa Claus. And believing that my post wa ingnroing the facts requires the same ignorance. It is a FACT that 80% of Repubs beleive the the Bible is lterraly true. And and I said, you don't have to beleive ALL of it is true to be provably out of touch with reality.

Repubs are out of touch with reality regarding the Bible and this same lack of reality is exhibitied in the post above.

And again, you are right, I started life, am still working on, the destruction or YOUR creepy old America just like science has destroyed any abilty to rationally belief in Biblical realism.

I think that I pointed out that I am agreeing with you that the facts of political reality is that YOUR America is being destroyed.

Suck on those FACTS beeitch.

I told you before... Santa is REAL and you need look no further than the White House.
The old "Creepy Ass America" as you put it was far better than what this socialist president has transformed it into.

The old America believed in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
The old America, debt and unemployment was much lower. Food stamps and welfare were not at all-time highs. Regulation was not crushing the individual. Freedom was plentiful.

You can keep your transformed America... It has nothing to offer hard-working, freedom-loving individuals.

Now go worship government, while others practice more conventional forms of faith.

I told you before... Santa is REAL and you need look no further than the White House.
The old "Creepy Ass America" as you put it was far better than what this socialist president has transformed it into.

The old America believed in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
The old America, debt and unemployment was much lower. Food stamps and welfare were not at all-time highs. Regulation was not crushing the individual. Freedom was plentiful.

You can keep your transformed America... It has nothing to offer hard-working, freedom-loving individuals.

Now go worship government, while others practice more conventional forms of faith.

As I said, I am glad this is the way you feel and what you beleive as it makes prying this country from the old, grasping, failing hands you represent. Political views like yours have always failed just like your rediculous "conventional forms of faith". Here is Saint Augustine, more than 1500 years ago, explaining what fools like you do to the Christain Faith when you "conventionalize it".

"Augustine of Hippo (/ɔːˈɡʌstɨn/[1][2] or /ˈɔːɡəstɪn/;[2] Latin: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis;[3] 13 November 354 – 28 August 430), also known as Saint Augustine or Saint Austin,[4] was an early Christian theologian whose writings are considered very influential in the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy.

Here is what he wrote about Christians like you.

"Often, a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world, about the motions and orbits of the stars and even their sizes and distances, … and this knowledge he holds with certainty from reason and experience. It is thus offensive and disgraceful for an unbeliever to hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things, claiming that what he is saying is based in Scripture. We should do all we can to avoid such an embarrassing situation, which people see as ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn.

The shame is not so much that an ignorant person is laughed at, but rather that people outside the faith believe that we hold such opinions, and thus our teachings are rejected as ignorant and unlearned. If they find a Christian mistaken in a subject that they know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions as based on our teachings, how are they going to believe these teachings in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think these teachings are filled with fallacies about facts which they have learnt from experience and reason.

Reckless and presumptuous expounders of Scripture bring about much harm when they are caught in their mischievous false opinions by those not bound by our sacred texts. And even more so when they then try to defend their rash and obviously untrue statements by quoting a shower of words from Scripture and even recite from memory passages which they think will support their case ‘without understanding either what they are saying or what they assert with such assurance.’ (1 Timothy 1:7)"

Is it enlightning to have some call your sillt stupid BS long before you were born?

As I said, I am glad this is the way you feel and what you beleive as it makes prying this country from the old, grasping, failing hands you represent. Political views like yours have always failed just like your rediculous "conventional forms of faith". Here is Saint Augustine, more than 1500 years ago, explaining what fools like you do to the Christain Faith when you "conventionalize it".

"Augustine of Hippo (/ɔːˈɡʌstɨn/[1][2] or /ˈɔːɡəstɪn/;[2] Latin: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis;[3] 13 November 354 – 28 August 430), also known as Saint Augustine or Saint Austin,[4] was an early Christian theologian whose writings are considered very influential in the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy.

Here is what he wrote about Christians like you.

"Often, a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world, about the motions and orbits of the stars and even their sizes and distances, … and this knowledge he holds with certainty from reason and experience. It is thus offensive and disgraceful for an unbeliever to hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things, claiming that what he is saying is based in Scripture. We should do all we can to avoid such an embarrassing situation, which people see as ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn.

The shame is not so much that an ignorant person is laughed at, but rather that people outside the faith believe that we hold such opinions, and thus our teachings are rejected as ignorant and unlearned. If they find a Christian mistaken in a subject that they know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions as based on our teachings, how are they going to believe these teachings in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think these teachings are filled with fallacies about facts which they have learnt from experience and reason.

Reckless and presumptuous expounders of Scripture bring about much harm when they are caught in their mischievous false opinions by those not bound by our sacred texts. And even more so when they then try to defend their rash and obviously untrue statements by quoting a shower of words from Scripture and even recite from memory passages which they think will support their case ‘without understanding either what they are saying or what they assert with such assurance.’ (1 Timothy 1:7)"

Is it enlightning to have some call your sillt stupid BS long before you were born?

Who is it exactly that is grasping for the views of old white guys now?

He sounds a bit like a Biblical literalist... I wonder is he believed in creationism too. LOL!! You are so stupid.
Augustine taught that Original sin of Adam and Eve was either an act of foolishness (insipientia) followed by pride and disobedience to God or the opposite: pride came first.[83] The first couple disobeyed God, who had told them not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17).[84] The tree was a symbol of the order of creation.[85] Self-centeredness made Adam and Eve eat of it, thus failing to acknowledge and respect the world as it was created by God, with its hierarchy of beings and values.[86] They would not have fallen into pride and lack of wisdom, if Satan hadn't sown into their senses "the root of evil" (radix Mali).[87] Their nature was wounded by concupiscence or libido, which affected human intelligence and will, as well as affections and desires, including sexual desire.[88] In terms of Metaphysics, concupiscence is not a being but bad quality, the privation of good or a wound.[89]

Who is it exactly that is grasping for the views of old white guys now?

He sounds a bit like a Biblical literalist... I wonder is he believed in creationism too. LOL!! You are so stupid.

Augustine taught that Original sin of Adam and Eve was either an act of foolishness (insipientia) followed by pride and disobedience to God or the opposite: pride came first.[83] The first couple disobeyed God, who had told them not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17).[84] The tree was a symbol of the order of creation.[85] Self-centeredness made Adam and Eve eat of it, thus failing to acknowledge and respect the world as it was created by God, with its hierarchy of beings and values.[86] They would not have fallen into pride and lack of wisdom, if Satan hadn't sown into their senses "the root of evil" (radix Mali).[87] Their nature was wounded by concupiscence or libido, which affected human intelligence and will, as well as affections and desires, including sexual desire.[88] In terms of Metaphysics, concupiscence is not a being but bad quality, the privation of good or a wound.[89]

At the time of Augustine ALL OF SCIENCE didn't PROVE that not could there be no Garden of Eden or that there never was one. Now, even the Catholic Church teaches that it is only a metaphor used to understand our Souls and morality and not our physcial bodies nor anything about the physical universe around us.

It is OBVIOUS from his quotes above WHO Augutine was talking about then and who he would be talking about now. If you even have a HINT that most of the significant claims in the Bible are litterally true this applies to you.

"Reckless and presumptuous expounders of Scripture bring about much harm when they are caught in their mischievous false opinions by those not bound by our sacred texts. And even more so when they then try to defend their rash and obviously untrue statements by quoting a shower of words from Scripture and even recite from memory passages which they think will support their case ‘without understanding either what they are saying or what they assert with such assurance.’ (1 Timothy 1:7)"

And when someone who is obviously gilty of what he described here is also just as guilty of spouting the same type of stupid shit first squirted out of the ass of Faux News and all polls show that most people who watch the drivel are the same people who self identify themselves as those Augutine called "reckless, is called out, who is stupid.

Funny how yu can make an out of context quote and call someone stupid? There is NOTHING in your quote that Augustine was a litteralist including his beleifs regarding the GoE.

Who is it exactly that is grasping for the views of old white guys now?

He sounds a bit like a Biblical literalist... I wonder is he believed in creationism too. LOL!! You are so stupid.

Augustine taught that Original sin of Adam and Eve was either an act of foolishness (insipientia) followed by pride and disobedience to God or the opposite: pride came first.[83] The first couple disobeyed God, who had told them not to eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17).[84] The tree was a symbol of the order of creation.[85] Self-centeredness made Adam and Eve eat of it, thus failing to acknowledge and respect the world as it was created by God, with its hierarchy of beings and values.[86] They would not have fallen into pride and lack of wisdom, if Satan hadn't sown into their senses "the root of evil" (radix Mali).[87] Their nature was wounded by concupiscence or libido, which affected human intelligence and will, as well as affections and desires, including sexual desire.[88] In terms of Metaphysics, concupiscence is not a being but bad quality, the privation of good or a wound.[89]

At the time of Augustine ALL OF SCIENCE didn't PROVE that not could there be no Garden of Eden or that there never was one. Now, even the Catholic Church teaches that it is only a metaphor used to understand our Souls and morality and not our physcial bodies nor anything about the physical universe around us.

It is OBVIOUS from his quotes above WHO Augutine was talking about then and who he would be talking about now. If you even have a HINT that most of the significant claims in the Bible are litterally true this applies to you.

"Reckless and presumptuous expounders of Scripture bring about much harm when they are caught in their mischievous false opinions by those not bound by our sacred texts. And even more so when they then try to defend their rash and obviously untrue statements by quoting a shower of words from Scripture and even recite from memory passages which they think will support their case ‘without understanding either what they are saying or what they assert with such assurance.’ (1 Timothy 1:7)"

And when someone who is obviously gilty of what he described here is also just as guilty of spouting the same type of stupid shit first squirted out of the ass of Faux News and all polls show that most people who watch the drivel are the same people who self identify themselves as those Augutine called "reckless, is called out, who is stupid.

Funny how yu can make an out of context quote and call someone stupid? There is NOTHING in your quote that Augustine was a litteralist including his beleifs regarding the GoE.

At the time of Augustine ALL OF SCIENCE didn't PROVE that not could there be no Garden of Eden or that there never was one. Now, even the Catholic Church teaches that it is only a metaphor used to understand our Souls and morality and not our physcial bodies nor anything about the physical universe around us.

It is OBVIOUS from his quotes above WHO Augutine was talking about then and who he would be talking about now. If you even have a HINT that most of the significant claims in the Bible are litterally true this applies to you.

"Reckless and presumptuous expounders of Scripture bring about much harm when they are caught in their mischievous false opinions by those not bound by our sacred texts. And even more so when they then try to defend their rash and obviously untrue statements by quoting a shower of words from Scripture and even recite from memory passages which they think will support their case ‘without understanding either what they are saying or what they assert with such assurance.’ (1 Timothy 1:7)"

And when someone who is obviously gilty of what he described here is also just as guilty of spouting the same type of stupid shit first squirted out of the ass of Faux News and all polls show that most people who watch the drivel are the same people who self identify themselves as those Augutine called "reckless, is called out, who is stupid.

Funny how yu can make an out of context quote and call someone stupid? There is NOTHING in your quote that Augustine was a litteralist including his beleifs regarding the GoE.

No no no.... He was no literalist I'm sure he believed in evolution. I'm sure he denounced the story of Noah's Ark and The Garden of Eden. I am sure he would worship at the alter of big government and global warming.

Why do you care so much about what an old white guy thinks anyway? He was probably a racist and owned slaves.... LOL!!! You are so conflicted, you don't know what to believe. Poor little liberal drone.