Class action lawsuit Syneos?

You can keep talking to a lawyer and you go nowhere! This is more of a moronic decision based on nonsense by the orange dude. Sue the guy at Mar-alago and maybe you can get somewhere

you go from one scum (Syneos) to the scum of the earth (lawyers).
doctors are now in the scum category too.

conclusion: time to leave the harmaceutical industry. Harmaceutical. get it.

you go from one scum (Syneos) to the scum of the earth (lawyers).
doctors are now in the scum category too.

conclusion: time to leave the harmaceutical industry. Harmaceutical. get it.
You forgot the fact that you and your family lived off from your pharma earnings and don't forget that. This job is not for everyone especially for someone like who are ingrates! Your disdain fro pharma may have just eaten your values while you are still alive. You are one sad case.

You forgot the fact that you and your family lived off from your pharma earnings and don't forget that. This job is not for everyone especially for someone like who are ingrates! Your disdain fro pharma may have just eaten your values while you are still alive. You are one sad case.
You are the one who lacks values, and integrity.

AHAHA I got a good laugh from this thread so thank you!

I find it funny that it seems these people who sell data don't believe in science themselves?

By this logic why should anyone get a degree in anything if people ignore recommendations because they have a "feeling" or a guy with no background says so.

i guess docs are next on the chopping block from the "heroes who work here" like teachers are now...

You are the one who lacks values, and integrity.

In the meantime, your medicine cabinet has all the meds you were prescribed by your "dumb" doctors and
manufactured by the "harmaceutical" company you so loathe! Wonder how you are able to swallow the
food paid for by your pharma job? Drive your kid to school provided for by your pharma job? Sad ingrates. Bunch of hypocrites! You might as well run for office, there you might have a chance to win a Sanitation job because that is what you deserve! You stink!