She always knew how to make a buck, even when others were having lean years.

Cindy is a highly accomplished and results-driven Sales Executive with years of successful new business development, record-breaking performance, and sales leadership.

All proven by the fact that she’s been solely responsible for the development and growth of the BioReference Sales Organization, and she continues to have a goal to drive continuous sales growth for all lines of business by encouraging a culture of teamwork, focus and collaboration.

And most notably, Cindy brings agility and enthusiasm to the executive team, and she possesses innate leadership qualities, as demonstrated by her numerous professional accomplishments and memberships.

Hope this helps.

Cindy is a highly accomplished and results-driven Sales Executive with years of successful new business development, record-breaking performance, and sales leadership.

All proven by the fact that she’s been solely responsible for the development and growth of the BioReference Sales Organization, and she continues to have a goal to drive continuous sales growth for all lines of business by encouraging a culture of teamwork, focus and collaboration.

And most notably, Cindy brings agility and enthusiasm to the executive team, and she possesses innate leadership qualities, as demonstrated by her numerous professional accomplishments and memberships.It’s enough with CJ she is a complete loser. The woman has no power in anything that goes on at the laboratory. The cleaning lady that scrub the toilets has more power than CJ.

Hope this helps.

Cindy is a highly accomplished and results-driven Sales Executive with years of successful new business development, record-breaking performance, and sales leadership.

All proven by the fact that she’s been solely responsible for the development and growth of the BioReference Sales Organization, and she continues to have a goal to drive continuous sales growth for all lines of business by encouraging a culture of teamwork, focus and collaboration.

And most notably, Cindy brings agility and enthusiasm to the executive team, and she possesses innate leadership qualities, as demonstrated by her numerous professional accomplishments and memberships.

Hope this helps.
Results matter. BRLI sales have floundered under her leadership. End of story.

Results matter. BRLI sales have floundered under her leadership. End of story.

Sure thing, son. It’s the end of the story alright. For you. It is just the beginning though, for her. The beginning of a great adventure. It only makes sense that you’re so angry. You never stood a chance. She’s got the brains, the body and the connections. You can’t compete. And you’ll never succeed. Hope this helps.

Sure thing, son. It’s the end of the story alright. For you. It is just the beginning though, for her. The beginning of a great adventure. It only makes sense that you’re so angry. You never stood a chance. She’s got the brains, the body and the connections. You can’t compete. And you’ll never succeed. Hope this helps.
Listen Jack, you obviously don’t know who I am; CJ won’t be landing here, no room for non-performers no matter how “engaging, energetic, enthusiastic’’ blah blah blah. She is OUT.

Listen Jack, you obviously don’t know who I am; CJ won’t be landing here, no room for non-performers no matter how “engaging, energetic, enthusiastic’’ blah blah blah. She is OUT.

You know son, that’s the thing about being a total nobody. No one knows who you are. And no one cares about your stupid opinions. CJ however, is hotter than Georgia asphalt. Everyone who’s anyone knows her biography and we are looking forward to having her back on our team.

You know son, that’s the thing about being a total nobody. No one knows who you are. And no one cares about your stupid opinions. CJ however, is hotter than Georgia asphalt. Everyone who’s anyone knows her biography and we are looking forward to having her back on our team.

Looks like someone that we all know and love, got The Last Word, once again.

We know what you’re trying to imply. It’s untrue, unfunny and offensive to everyone who respects and admires her professionalism. But sadly, we’ve come to expect these types of stupid juvenile comments from you.
You’re just jealous cause jonnie is getting some and you aren’t OPKO stock isn’t the only thing going down, if you know what I mean.