• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.


Oh for cryin' out loud!!! Limp dick syndrome is very common. If the kids ask what the commercials are all about, then it's time to explain the facts of life. Otherwise, they really don't pay much attention.

And to the poster who stated that these companies are hucksters, ALL companies who advertise on TV, billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc. are hucksters. It's called MARKETING, and there is nothing untoward in any of the TV comercials.

Oh for cryin' out loud!!! Limp dick syndrome is very common. If the kids ask what the commercials are all about, then it's time to explain the facts of life. Otherwise, they really don't pay much attention.

And to the poster who stated that these companies are hucksters, ALL companies who advertise on TV, billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc. are hucksters. It's called MARKETING, and there is nothing untoward in any of the TV comercials.

Thanks ethical Pfizer huckster for your enlightening post.

Oh for cryin' out loud!!! Limp dick syndrome is very common. If the kids ask what the commercials are all about, then it's time to explain the facts of life. Otherwise, they really don't pay much attention.

And to the poster who stated that these companies are hucksters, ALL companies who advertise on TV, billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc. are hucksters. It's called MARKETING, and there is nothing untoward in any of the TV comercials.

You can't possibly have children. Kids today are way ahead of the curve - unfortunately because of the profanity, sexual innuendos and schoolyard stories that they hear. Then what they see or view is another story.

If 'kids' ask they don't need that prompting by a Viagra or Cialis commercial. These commercials are facts of life for older men - not kids dumbass.

You can't possibly have children. Kids today are way ahead of the curve - unfortunately because of the profanity, sexual innuendos and schoolyard stories that they hear. Then what they see or view is another story.

If 'kids' ask they don't need that prompting by a Viagra or Cialis commercial. These commercials are facts of life for older men - not kids dumbass.

Thats the problem that we have with slime advertising which the slimey TV networks graciously and greedily accept because they (TV networks) are dollarmongers and purveyors of filth!!!!

The companies that make these drugs have to be three of the sleazist in the pharmaceutical marketplace. We are all tired of drug ads on tv but to have to sit and listen to "4 hr erection" warnings over and over, 24/7 is the worst. I cannot watch tv with my children around.

I would be happey to see a boycott of all 3 slimepits!

I got so mad at your so called "slimepits" (true if I ever saw it)while watching the CBS "slimepit dollar monger" news (air any slime/huckster ad as long as CBS is making a buck) last night I almost cursed in front of my 7 year old in the room when slimey Eli Lilly was blasting the tube with "4 hour erection" warnings!!! I cringed awaiting my daughters question but thankfully she was not listening.

I just went to the slimeball Lillys website to lodge a complaint and who would have guessed they have no complaint/contact link!!! This is what i found though:

©2009 Lilly USA, LLC. All rights reserved. This site is intended for use by United States residents age 18 and over.

Now, what do you think of these morons when they evidently think a child would find and read their website and NOT SEE AND HEAR THEIR SLIMEY,NOT FOR THOSE UNDER 18, ERECTION BLASTING FROM THE TELEVISION SET!!!!!

Pure and utter sleazy hucksters imo!!!!

These commercials are no worse/better than the ones for "enhancing" couples lovemaking, or the woman's satisfaction. They are on during the day and evening.

I don't see what the problem is with the commercials. I seriously doubt children are asking mom and dad "Why are those people in the bathtub?" or "What does this mean?"

I think somebody is a little sensitive.

I got so mad at your so called "slimepits" (true if I ever saw it)while watching the CBS "slimepit dollar monger" news (air any slime/huckster ad as long as CBS is making a buck) last night I almost cursed in front of my 7 year old in the room when slimey Eli Lilly was blasting the tube with "4 hour erection" warnings!!! I cringed awaiting my daughters question but thankfully she was not listening.

I just went to the slimeball Lillys website to lodge a complaint and who would have guessed they have no complaint/contact link!!! This is what i found though:

©2009 Lilly USA, LLC. All rights reserved. This site is intended for use by United States residents age 18 and over.

Pure and utter sleazy hucksters imo!!!!

Now, what do you think of these morons when they evidently think a child would find and read their website and NOT SEE AND HEAR THEIR SLIMEY,NOT FOR THOSE UNDER 18, ERECTION BLASTING FROM THE TELEVISION SET!!!!!

Last night while watching CBS (ClimeBS), and we know what "climballs" those in the "entertainment" are, whatever "climeball" company that makes Levitra had their shitty ad for children to see. POS scumbags!!!!

Levitra paid for my car, pool and beach house. Blast the ads all you want, but I need a boat for the beach house so I say keep the ads up (get it? Levitra, Up??? see I can be funny, but damn it i need the boat)

I didn't care for the ads when my kids were little but now that they're grown, I doubt it affects them in a negative way. As far as asking why those people are in the bathtub, I'd like to know that myself. I have never fucked in a bathtub, although I've fooled around in a shower. What I think is worse in terms of subverting family values is the lyrics in hip-hop and rap music - way moreso than the boner pill ads. After all, the boner is an integral part of starting a family, but yelling out about 'don't snitch, f*** the ho, etc, etc, etc... takes the limits of acceptability past the limit.

The funniest ones are those Encyte ones where the guy is golfing and they talk about having the right 'wood'? Those guys must've made a fortune selling hope. :cool:

you have to have had sume fun time in a tub, there is a reason for those claw feet ; )

I didn't care for the ads when my kids were little but now that they're grown, I doubt it affects them in a negative way.

I didn't realize they had those ads when your kids were small; they've only been out in the past 8 to 10 years or so. I thought your kids were older, like mid 20's.

28-10=18rs old & 23-10=13 yrs old. That was young enough to make it awkward.

You are kidding right? 18 and 13 year olds found those ads awkward? When my brother's kids were 18, they weren't watching TV all that much, and the 13 year old stayed on the phone more than watched TV. When they did watch TV, they weren't paying attention to the advertisements unless some hot guy was on. And they didn't live in a progressive state like California; more like Amish country.

My kids are older and I don't even ask what going through their minds when these commercials come on.

These companies are stooping low to advertise during time periods when kids at 'vulnerable' ages may ask their mom or dad what that drug is for. I'm beyond that point, but drugs for ED have become as front burner as buying cereal these days.

You really think children pay attention to commercials that are on other days other than Saturdays with cartoons?

Get a grip, you guys. They don't give a crap what's on the TC, unless it has to do with Barbie, Transformers, Nintendo DS, or some other play thing.

So commercials that address an actual health concern experienced by men is a no no but if I said the same thing about Douche commercials and Bra commercials and the womens contraceptive commercials I would be slammed in here. Whatever.

Good point. However, bras are generally needed, and birth control is smart. ED commericials...' so when the mood arises...blah blah....."

A kids says...mom what kind of mood? what is erectile dysfunction? Then consider that the commercial shows couples being amorous....And so forth...it's a different type of conversation don't ya think? I may be stretching the rationale here, but I still think ED shouldn't be a public announcement...birth control commercials are getting crazy as well. There's nothing sacred anymore. Some things are just better left more private.

No, not at all. Bra commercials show women in their bras. An image that would NEVER have been acceptable 15,20 years ago. Is this image ok for kids to see? Then why dont women just walk around in the street like that?

And the douche commercials? You dont think they could raise questions?

Honestly, not one commercial that I have ever seen for ed drugs shows couples getting amorous. It shows them holding hands or sitting in side by side bathtubs.

Good point.
A kids says...mom what kind of mood? what is erectile dysfunction? Then consider that the commercial shows couples being amorous....And so forth...

Scarlett, I disagree with you on this. I would be more than surprised if some kid were to ask what erectile dysfunction is. Even if one did, just tell what it is...as for commericals showing amorous couples, that's the KY commercials.

I do agree some things should be kept private.

Scarlett, I disagree with you on this. I would be more than surprised if some kid were to ask what erectile dysfunction is. Even if one did, just tell what it is...as for commericals showing amorous couples, that's the KY commercials.

I do agree some things should be kept private.

Like your constant hatefull venom!

Scarlett, I disagree with you on this. I would be more than surprised if some kid were to ask what erectile dysfunction is. Even if one did, just tell what it is...as for commericals showing amorous couples, that's the KY commercials.

I do agree some things should be kept private.

KY commercials - even worse.

Here is an example of:

My nephew is a young adolescent. He had NO idea what ED was and certainly at his age didn't know that men may have it at a certain age etc...much less the reasons. My sister called me one night and explained that he asked if front of everyone what Cialis does. AWKWARD moment. My sister is pretty open in terms of proactive education, but she had never gone down the ED route. I mean...why need to? There are bigger stories to tell regarding sex which are necessary to teens.

It was awkward. I agree that there are other products that are equally if not more 'unnecessary' in terms of media coverage.