Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
- Drug Dumper   Jan 11, 2014 at 06:22: PM
Drug Dumper
Well-Known Member
Not to mention there is now an ad on TV for women who suffer from painful intercourse after menopause. The drug is called Osphena.
Not to mention there is now an ad on TV for women who suffer from painful intercourse after menopause. The drug is called Osphena.
Probably some woman whose husband used Cialis or Viagra with someone else.
Have I been the only one thinking for 4 years, supper or dinner?
Have I been the only one thinking for 4 years, supper or dinner?
In farm families, Dinner was the largest meal of the day and was usually consumed mid day. HUge breakfast with lots of calories to sustain the hard workers, huge noon meal(Dinner) to replenish and load up for the rest of the very long work day and a relatively small meal before retiring for the night(supper). Mom would use supper and dinner interchangeably. When she said she was cooking dinner, we learned to ask her LUNCH dinner or SUPPER dinner.....
Well where I'm from dinner is the noon meal, and supper is the evening meal.
I must be in a bad dream, I also first read this as 'super slime'. Still not understanding why you've focused on these 2 drugs and not mentioned other TV drug advertising?
As far as dinner/supper goes, that's a great time to take one of these. Just think - if you dine between 6 and 7, you'll shine at bedtime. My personal preference is take one at bedtime and wake up for a 'morner' (a morner being like a nooner only sooner).
I've always felt if dinner was the noon meal, it would be mostly on Sundays -- i.e., Sunday dinner (the biggest meal of the day on Sunday) -- then if someone wants to eat later that would be supper.
Monday - Saturday I call it lunch, because there is a time limit, i.e., lunch hour.
Blinky, blinky!
Blinky, blinky?
He is describing how his brain functions.