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Christian terrorist in Colorado Springs!

Once again, you do nothing to debate of refute that facts except tell lies that cannot be backed up with sources while waiving a white flag as you surrender. Everything I posted was factual and you chose to take a page out of the Karl Rove playbook with continued diversion and fluff posts.

Since you have backed yourself into a corner with your ludicrous statement, please provide proof or any sort of example that "non-Muslim terrorists acts have been influenced by leftist ideology, atheistic ideology etc."

The numbers that support the majority of domestic terrorists being radical right wing Christian are factual and accounted for while your 'claim' is baseless, like the majority of everything you post.

As I said before, the facts destroy your baseless contentions.

Well, the facts and it had ALL to do with PP. The party of hate can't condemn one of their own for doing what they imply is the moral course of action. They love their guns, and they hate women who choose to exercise control of their own bodies. They lie, and espouse false videos to further their political aims. It's no coincidence that this mass murderer said "No more body parts" as he was brutally slaughtering unarmed citizens, and a police officer. Direct reference to the phony video pushed by the GOP. So this nut job just acted on what they rant about. The GOP candidates will just ignore this and hope it goes away all while they are busy trying to scrub the blood off of their hands.

The videos are legit.
It's not just a woman's body involved and we tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies all the time anyway.
Still to early to know the facts.
Funny how you left out one of the established facts which was that the slain cop was a Christian Pro-lifer who ran to a PP clinic to protect those in peril!
Now THAT is a true portrait of a Christian and a pro-lifer!
Once again you wind up choking on the truth.

It hasn't even been established that PP was the target, and he was registered to vote as a Woman. Your Liberal wet dream is going to have to wait it appears. Plus he shot cops, which makes him YOUR kind of guy.

Ahem, from Reuters mind you....
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - the gunman who attacked muttered "no more baby parts" during his arrest showing he suspect was motivated by an anti-abortion agenda.

The remark attributed to suspect Robert Lewis Dear was a reference to Planned Parenthood's abortion activities and its role in delivering fetal tissue to medical researchers, a hot button issue in the 2016 race for the presidency.

We now know the man responsible for the tragic shooting at PP's health center in Colorado was motivated by opposition to safe and legal abortion.

Ahem, from Reuters mind you....
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Reuters) - the gunman who attacked muttered "no more baby parts" during his arrest showing he suspect was motivated by an anti-abortion agenda.

The remark attributed to suspect Robert Lewis Dear was a reference to Planned Parenthood's abortion activities and its role in delivering fetal tissue to medical researchers, a hot button issue in the 2016 race for the presidency.

We now know the man responsible for the tragic shooting at PP's health center in Colorado was motivated by opposition to safe and legal abortion.

Not according to local officials!
Stop with your idiotic propaganda.

Yep, he's a man with a beard (you can shit can all those other lame excuses like he was transgender) who is anti-abortion - so anti-abortion he has taken it upon himself to execute people at a Planned Parenthood location. It isn't the 1st time and it won't be the last time. I realize most of you folks prefer legal methods (like overturning Roe Vs Wade) but you do have a fringe element within your ranks that acts out as if vigilante justice is still popular. Own it.

Yep, he's a man with a beard (you can shit can all those other lame excuses like he was transgender) who is anti-abortion - so anti-abortion he has taken it upon himself to execute people at a Planned Parenthood location. It isn't the 1st time and it won't be the last time. I realize most of you folks prefer legal methods (like overturning Roe Vs Wade) but you do have a fringe element within your ranks that acts out as if vigilante justice is still popular. Own it.

Like I said, the guy is unhinged which makes your contention that he's pro-life meaningless.
That he apparently thought himself a woman is proof of that. Case closed.

And why do I get the sneaky suspicion that you're unwilling to own the vigilante justice, fringe elements on your side? Please prove me wrong here by making a clear statement. I mean I would hate for you to be a hyper partisan hypocrite who was only out to try to score cheap political points. Whether you like it or not, you've got'em.

Bad situation. I don't support his actions, but his motivation was to preserve innocent human life, he's going about it in the wrong way.
This is hardly a threat however compared to Islamic and atheist terrorists, so on the terrorism front this is a yawner, though I'm sure your libtard panties will be all in a wad.

It isn't even innocent human life at that point - it's goo!

It isn't even innocent human life at that point - it's goo!

No, goo is what occupies your cranium and results in your tremendous stupidity.

Ok, on the remote chance that you possess the ability to learn, here goes.

Is it human? Yes
Is it alive? Yes, it's not dead. The cells are dividing. It is growing.
Is it innocent? Yes, it has committed no crime against anyone.

So the only rational conclusion is that an unborn child is innocent, human, life.

Only the incredibly small and selfish would call it goo.

You were once goo and the only difference between that "goo" and you is the spot on the timeline between conception and death. That is all. You are no better, you are no more valuable than that goo.

To go on with your argument will only expose you as totally irrational and lacking in morality.

No, goo is what occupies your cranium and results in your tremendous stupidity.

Ok, on the remote chance that you possess the ability to learn, here goes.

Is it human? Yes
Is it alive? Yes, it's not dead. The cells are dividing. It is growing.
Is it innocent? Yes, it has committed no crime against anyone.

So the only rational conclusion is that an unborn child is innocent, human, life.

Only the incredibly small and selfish would call it goo.

You were once goo and the only difference between that "goo" and you is the spot on the timeline between conception and death. That is all. You are no better, you are no more valuable than that goo.

To go on with your argument will only expose you as totally irrational and lacking in morality.

Cells are dividing? Oh so now we get to hear the mitosis, meiosis story? Cells may divide but that doesn't mean it's a living human. Even the bible refers to the quickening as the beginning. Up to then it's just goo.

Cells are dividing? Oh so now we get to hear the mitosis, meiosis story? Cells may divide but that doesn't mean it's a living human. Even the bible refers to the quickening as the beginning. Up to then it's just goo.

You are truly an idiot. It's alive. It's human. It's human life. The only goo is what's in you skull.

Trust me, Sparky. You don't want to do Bible with me on this topic. You are misreading quickening.

You are truly an idiot. It's alive. It's human. It's human life. The only goo is what's in you skull.

Trust me, Sparky. You don't want to do Bible with me on this topic. You are misreading quickening.

You people don't know when to stop. Now you want us to stop using IUDs? What's next, BC pills? Condoms? Who are you, some angry priest who never gets any and doesn't want anyone else to? You are a jerk.

You people don't know when to stop do you? What are you some Roman Catholic priest who thinks all sex that isn't for procreation is fornication? You're a nut case. Now you want to outlaw IUDs? Next it will be OCs and then condoms? What a whack job. Toodles.