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Chris Christie says no to 2012 presidential race

NJ needs him for more than one term and he needs more experience to be a presidential contender. Hopefully we've learned from this mess of an administration that experience matters.

Looks like ILA will be pulling for Giuliani in 2012 again....'IS IT FLORDIA YET!!!'.... In all likelyhood Chrispy kreme Christie had no shot at being competitive against Obama anyways.


The fact that Christie knows he isn't ready just proves that he is a realist. Obama wasn't ready, and wouldn't admit it. The American people got snookered by a smooth talking charlatan.

America wanted Obama to be ready so they voted for him. He wasn't.

The way Christie closed that interview with Wallace increased his popularity in NJ by at least 5 points. Even my wife was like, WOW, that was refreshing. Nobody says stuff like that.

Christie would beat Obama by 43 to 40? You damn right! At the very least!! I would love to see Christie run, but he says he needs more experience. Too bad Obama didn't realize the same thing.

But Obama can lay hands on shot congresswomen and make them open their eyes, FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Can Chris Christie do that? He also can bring us all together, because we are not "white America, or black America, but the United States of America." Experience? Jesus didn't have experience.

Christie would beat Obama by 43 to 40? You damn right! At the very least!! I would love to see Christie run, but he says he needs more experience. Too bad Obama didn't realize the same thing.

Keep dreaming sister. But hey, at least you still have Rudy running in 2012.


Funny that you people worry about who will run against your president. Funny because...you people still don't see that it doesn't matter, he is a one termer.

"One termer' you say? That is rich.

So, just who do you think will be a viable GOP candidate that can beat President Obama in 2012?

Also, I will be marking down your above words as a prelude to 2012 . . . Then I can serve them back up to you with a big side dish of crow after President Obama wins his second term.


"One termer' you say? That is rich.

So, just who do you think will be a viable GOP candidate that can beat President Obama in 2012?

Also, I will be marking down your above words as a prelude to 2012 . . . Then I can serve them back up to you with a big side dish of crow after President Obama wins his second term.


Sbelle caught you. If Christie is such a bad candidate, why are you so worried about him?

Looks like ILA will be pulling for Giuliani in 2012 again....'IS IT FLORDIA YET!!!'.... In all likelyhood Chrispy kreme Christie had no shot at being competitive against Obama anyways.


Chris Christie scares the living shit out of you liberals and you know it. And pardon me if I laugh about some Odummyfucker bootlicker like you commenting on who in the GOP does or doesn't have a shot against your Dear Leader.

I believe you were the dame dipshit douchebag who predicted the demalquedacrats would increase seats in the House and Senate because the GOP opposed Odummycare.

Keep dreaming sister. But hey, at least you still have Rudy running in 2012.


This from the guy who said the GOP wouldn't retake the House in 2010 and supported Specter, then said he didn't support Specter, but supported Sestak the whole time and then predicted Toomey would get beat by Sestak.

Whatever you say puddin ;)

This from the guy who said the GOP wouldn't retake the House in 2010 and supported Specter, then said he didn't support Specter, but supported Sestak the whole time and then predicted Toomey would get beat by Sestak.

Whatever you say puddin ;)

So, will you be supporting you 'boy' Rudy again in 2012?

Please do tell the board, pard.

This from the guy who said the GOP wouldn't retake the House in 2010 and supported Specter, then said he didn't support Specter, but supported Sestak the whole time and then predicted Toomey would get beat by Sestak.

Whatever you say puddin ;)

Ouch. Two bitch slappin's back to back. You wonder why these dolts even try anymore. They are just proven wrong time after time after time. Even when the facts present themselves (like a total ass kicking in the last elections) they just keep on keepin' on.

It really is a fascinating study in the pathology of the Libtard, isn't it?

Ouch. Two bitch slappin's back to back. You wonder why these dolts even try anymore. They are just proven wrong time after time after time. Even when the facts present themselves (like a total ass kicking in the last elections) they just keep on keepin' on.

It really is a fascinating study in the pathology of the Libtard, isn't it?

THIS . . . From the cowardly poster who has to put others on ignore because he has been bitch slapped up and down this board so many times, he doesn't know which way is up.

You are a sad study and wonderful example of a conservaturd. Keep humping ILA's leg just like your alter ego, 4DumbViews.

THIS . . . From the cowardly poster who has to put others on ignore because he has been bitch slapped up and down this board so many times, he doesn't know which way is up.

You are a sad study and wonderful example of a conservaturd. Keep humping ILA's leg just like your alter ego, 4DumbViews.

OK, puddin, I will play along with you. Today, I am supporting Gumby for President in 2012. Do tell me if he runs :D