Check your FSIP annual target incentive

Good catch. I think the change is for BMS folks.

This company is collapsing and is now not even disguising the butt fucking of anyone in the sales force past or current from PSSs to retired executives. From now on it is us against them with no pretense of loyalty or integrity. I will fuck them over every chance I get.
Fake calls, work from home, cheat on expenses. The gloves come off now.

Az changed the annual bonus on all ex bms to what your az partner has, apparently az sent an email about this over a year ago, but failed to remind those members who would be affected.

Az changed the annual bonus on all ex bms to what your az partner has, apparently az sent an email about this over a year ago, but failed to remind those members who would be affected.

If you missed that memo, I don't know what to tell you. This is not the first payout to be reduced. What you should pay attention to is the national multiplier. Last year, it was = or greater than 100% for all products. Now it is 96%. Spaceship Enterprise years.

They should get rid of FSIP altogether. And this CoE bullshit. No one believes in any of it and now to make it worse our leaders decide to take those lottery winners from the same * states that always win to fucking Spain.

Hey doc. We put patients first. But I'll be away with my spouse and about 700 other people and every single sales leader EBD or above and their spouses in Barcelona. See you when I get back.

They should get rid of FSIP altogether. And this CoE bullshit. No one believes in any of it and now to make it worse our leaders decide to take those lottery winners from the same * states that always win to fucking Spain.

Hey doc. We put patients first. But I'll be away with my spouse and about 700 other people and every single sales leader EBD or above and their spouses in Barcelona. See you when I get back.

Aloha - sore loser , I earned it , too bad you never have won it.

I earned it too! My managed care covered me and I brought plenty of food in and fed the offices. Now gimme me what I earned. I deserve a trip to espanola because I am a great salesperson. Whaaa!

I earned it too! That dude can take a hike! We are sales reps.

There are some DSMs and CBDs that actually think that. You should hear what the Pauls said about US "sales people". Their disgust and disdain will become oh so clear when Paul leaves this September for global and TKR comes in to clean house. Book it for September all you sales heroes.

THere was an analytics mgr who moved out west to be an RSD and he had access to all the data and it showed (back around 2007) that 85% of the DSMs and RSDs that went to CoE came from 8 states. And all of you could probably guess all 8 within 12 guesses and you could also guess the 10 states that went the least.

It is - or was - all about coverage. Tier 2. And those days are almost history. No more Cr or Sxr or Nx or Sym or Txl or well - anything. Unless you know Medi. And they have - nothing except promise. And promises are made of angle wings and unicorn eyelashes.