Changes to 2015 Separation Package?


Does anyone know what will change for 2015? Speculation, and I do mean speculation, is that the max number of weeks may be 52. Can anyone with knowledge comment? Don't add unless you know or have heard from a reputable source - speculation and rumor don't help (see the 551 thread for an example of rumor turning to crap)


Cut that number in half again if you are rebadged! May as well just walk the streets of north philly in the middle of the night. Atleast I would expect to get robbed then!

Rest assured that Merck does not care about the culture and is trying to save a buck every step of the way. Don't be surprised when they drastically reduce severance package and place caps on it. If you are close to retirement and didn't raise your hand last layoff, Merck kept you. They do not want to pay us for what we have slaved for over the years. I thought I would be rewarded for my continued loyalty over the years, but now I am hearing from my reliable sources that I am about to be screwed. Not very happy right now.

Does anyone know what will change for 2015? Speculation, and I do mean speculation, is that the max number of weeks may be 52. Can anyone with knowledge comment? Don't add unless you know or have heard from a reputable source - speculation and rumor don't help (see the 551 thread for an example of rumor turning to crap)

What a bunch of entitled dimwits on this site. Complaining about "only" getting paid for a full year not to work.

What a bunch of entitled dimwits on this site. Complaining about "only" getting paid for a full year not to work.

Sorry, but it is not about the year you get paid but all the following years until you can collect your pension and 401K. Finding a job is my full time job right now and as others have said on other threads, "older" workers are lucky to even get a phone screen. So I can eat and keep a roof over my head this year, but what about the next 5 after that? And, getting a year of pay is the least Merck could do for the loyalty and dedication they have gotten for 30+ years.

Just because you have to sign away your rights to sue the company if you are separated, does not stop you from seeking damages in civil court.

Agreed. It is more like being forced to sign under duress. I don't think too many people being separated by Merck ever were given other options nor be able to explore their rights much.

And, did anyone happen to notice that they did not put enough postage on the envelope they had you mail your contract back in? When I took it to the post office I was told I owed more money or it would come back to me as postage due.

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