

Only 20-30% of offices are Open to reps. We can play the game as Home Office is, only going to their office a few times a week. To be frank, Pharmaceutical Sales has changed forever. The Offices don’t want to return to past. The Truth Hurts, but the truth will set you free. Major shakeup Coming Soon. It’s destiny.


Only 20-30% of offices are Open to reps. We can play the game as Home Office is, only going to their office a few times a week. To be frank, Pharmaceutical Sales has changed forever. The Offices don’t want to return to past. The Truth Hurts, but the truth will set you free. Major shakeup Coming Soon. It’s destiny.

sorry but there are WAY MORE than 20% of offices open. Maybe you’re in IM?? But where I am, way more than 20%. Nice try tho

Only 20-30% of offices are Open to reps. We can play the game as Home Office is, only going to their office a few times a week. To be frank, Pharmaceutical Sales has changed forever. The Offices don’t want to return to past. The Truth Hurts, but the truth will set you free. Major shakeup Coming Soon. It’s destiny.

Only 20-30% of offices are Open to reps. We can play the game as Home Office is, only going to their office a few times a week. To be frank, Pharmaceutical Sales has changed forever. The Offices don’t want to return to past. The Truth Hurts, but the truth will set you free. Major shakeup Coming Soon. It’s destiny.

This guy is a liar.

Bitter home office folks always trying to dis the field sales. I actually visited one of my oncology offices for the first time today and they said they were glad to see me back, had even missed me. I'm no super rep but I could tell they were genuine. Understand, when a rep visits an office, (if he/she is not pushy or obnoxious), the staff and doctors see them as refreshing from the sick and sometimes negative patients they deal with all day. Have to admit I was somewhat surprised but grateful!

Bitter home office folks always trying to dis the field sales. I actually visited one of my oncology offices for the first time today and they said they were glad to see me back, had even missed me. I'm no super rep but I could tell they were genuine. Understand, when a rep visits an office, (if he/she is not pushy or obnoxious), the staff and doctors see them as refreshing from the sick and sometimes negative patients they deal with all day. Have to admit I was somewhat surprised but grateful!

now imagine having to tell that office that you’re gonna have to go back to seeing them virtually much of the time because Pfizer is changing the way business is done.

Bitter home office folks always trying to dis the field sales. I actually visited one of my oncology offices for the first time today and they said they were glad to see me back, had even missed me. I'm no super rep but I could tell they were genuine. Understand, when a rep visits an office, (if he/she is not pushy or obnoxious), the staff and doctors see them as refreshing from the sick and sometimes negative patients they deal with all day. Have to admit I was somewhat surprised but grateful!
That's an awesome story! They missed you so much that you never heard from them. If they missed you during the work from home, they'll be heart broken after we lay you off.

We are back in offices (finally) months after our competition was back in the field.

Our competitors did their downsizings during the pandemic (which was smart)

We are going to let people twist in the wind instead (which is sadistic as well as stupid)

This place is run by dithering control freaks, and that's why it's taking forever to get back to normal. They don't want "normal" they want control.

That's why there is a hammer over everyone's head with their job and that's why they forced people to get vaccinated in order to leave their homes and go back to work.

Use this time to get out of here, severance be damned. There has never been a better time to split. This place is a toxic operation where they still want you to feel guilty just for breathing without their stupid vaccine.

Bitter home office folks always trying to dis the field sales. I actually visited one of my oncology offices for the first time today and they said they were glad to see me back, had even missed me. I'm no super rep but I could tell they were genuine. Understand, when a rep visits an office, (if he/she is not pushy or obnoxious), the staff and doctors see them as refreshing from the sick and sometimes negative patients they deal with all day. Have to admit I was somewhat surprised but grateful!
Yeah, ok. Bet they really did miss you, couldn't sleep at night wandering how you were, what great new products you would offer to see them when you returned...

More like 90%. And the closed offices are still doing virtual lunches. Many of my offices don’t even require patients to wear masks. So this is BS.
Bumped into a TM 1 rep at a clinic. Only had Colargard and Premarin. Yikes.

Territory is back to pre pandemic access, no one wears the virtue signaling face diaper anymore, and they prefer face to face meetings here. This self righteous piece of shit company is going to mandate virtual interactions now? When we can see people in person? Sounds exactly like something Pfizer would do.

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