

Hi, have any of the issues that are written about Lupin and the culture changed? I am interviewing but just got a pretty good scare from these message boards. I know no place is perfect and that this is not usually a place for positive feedback- but you've got my attention. Bad move??

To answer your question.. Big fat mistake to leave any company for this company. Please do your due dilligence. Ask to speak to a senior rep.. Someone who has been with the company at least a year. Majority of the field force are new. That should tell you something. Why are people leaving..???? . Methergene is a very old drug.. They have trackers in the car. They micro-manage you... They have terrible benefits. Ask them about sick time and holidays and vacation days. Ask them about 401 K and vesting.. They expect you to work 8-5 but want you to travel on your time. Have working lunches. Do your expenses and all other things. This is not an 8-5 job. This is a salaried job. They talk out of both sides. They do not care about the employee. There are only 2 people at 100% of quota. They keep talking abut getting a new drug. They have been saying that for two years now. This will be the worst mistake you will make coming here.