Change in defense strategy on keeping classified files


Last week - It's mine! They are mine to do whatever I like.

This week - I was too busy to sort out my golf shirts.

Trump is now arguing that, ultimately, he was just too busy. He portrays himself as a doddering old man who is both daunted by his own disorganization and too dimwitted to understand this whole "subpoena" business.

"These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things; golf shirts, pants, shoes, all sorts of things," he rambled on, claiming he was too "busy" to handle the supposedly overwhelming task of pulling out classified documents from a junk box of golf balls.

He is, of course, lying.

Trump had a team of lawyers ready to go through the boxes for him. But rather than allow it, he went to great effort to hide the boxes from not just law enforcement but his own lawyers, proving that he was actively trying to keep the government from getting it back.

"Mr. Trump would notice if somebody had riffled through them or they were not arranged in a particular way," the New York Times writes. "Mr. Trump was generally able to identify what was in the boxes most immediately around him," and had a "meticulous" sense of what he had.

It's obvious what Trump is doing. He's portraying himself as a type that is familiar to his supporters: An eccentric grandpa who hasn't cleaned out his garage in 40 years and has no idea what's in the piles of junk laying around.

It's the "too dumb to know better" defense.


How do people and the GOP continue to support him??? He should have been exiled after 1/6, yet the rubes stil back him. I wrap for what this country has turned into. I’m glad I have more days behind me than in front of me. I don’t want t to be here when it all hits the fan

How do people and the GOP continue to support him??? He should have been exiled after 1/6, yet the rubes stil back him. I wrap for what this country has turned into. I’m glad I have more days behind me than in front of me. I don’t want t to be here when it all hits the fan
Sadly, many people I know are looking to different countries to flee to if the crazies take over. Luckily, my spouse has dual citizenship with EU country and it’s looking better and better. Nothing is perfect but with the crazies and fearing getting shot everywhere we go not to mention the new alt right christofascists it might be for the best to just call it quits here.