Drop the trip, delay the expansion and put the funds into serious negotiations with payers. As it stands, there are a very few of the thousands of nephs out there willing to RX because Rayaldee is known to be a pain in the ass for reimbursement. And if there is no room for negotiating that indicates some real problems in the business model presented to the board.
Increase head count in areas where there is good coverage means there will be no expansion because Rayaldee doesn't have good coverage.
Botton line is:
- coverage doesn't mean shit when a pt. can't afford the $500, $400, $200, $100 or a $50 per month copay
- don't increase head count, put money into improving the payer tier structure to reduce the copay
- provide supplemental rebates
- fire the HUB
Simply by throwing a lot of body mass and not fixing real accessibility problems of Rayaldee will only cause the frustration voice to increase.