
I am just browsing this web site and reading all of this talk about the "Nillson study". Nobody seems to be talking about the statistical significance of this study. Do they talk to you about how the study was done or just tell you it is beneficial to increaing sales? I would like to see somebody address the accuracy of this "scientific study". I only ask this because if the "P" value is more than 0.05(95%), this study is statiscally/medically insignificant. Browsing this site as a rep in the industry it seems your company doesn't educate its reps on the importance of medical data and are only worried about you making money for the company. When presenting a sudy to a physician, shouldn't he/she know how beneficial the product is to his/her patients? Just by reading many of these postings the reps who have given their time and dedication have not been taught anything about the pharmaceutical/medical field, but have been taught to push products, not the benefits to patients. Selling is only one aspect of this field, being knowledgable about the effects of your medications and how they can work to increase quality of life to patients is the most important. Seems to me this might be a great entry level postion. To those who are unhappy put your couple of years in, might be a great means to the end.

Forget that its p value is not very significant. The study itself has nothing to do with the data we are taking from it. Its been cut up and disected to look great but if a doctor really looks at it and breaks it down its a joke. How did folate treatment work with patients with homocysteine levels lower than 17??

bottom line: I have seen everything from whinning about no commision to pissing contests entrys from guys who have left Pamlab or should leave.

1. If you are not happy about the money YOU make then get out of bed and go make some.

2. If you are so unhappy about the way YOU THINK things are at Pamlab then leave. If you have left, then it is just plain sad that you are on this dive of a web site to begin with.

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I have been all over this site desperately trying to find out more about this ticky tack company I so foolishly signed up with last November. The idiot who wrote the above quote about getting out of bed etc. has that same babble posted ALL OVER and I mean ALL OVER this site. He has either become extremely proficient at cut and paste, or he is a kool aid intoxicated yes man with sore fingers from retyping the same drivel.

I disagree, I have seen way more from this Capital letter/Wyeth rep/Big Pharma guy than anyone else on here. It is truly sad that you left the company and spend so much time on this board. Honestly, do you really think ANYONE is going to leave the company because of what you post on Cafe Pharma, I don't even think 90% of the company knows about it. A former rep/friend told me about it after the layoffs. It seems to be a battle between Big pharma and a current employee, with some occassional interesting posters.

Big Pharma, you post way to much crap you've lost any credibility. If you eased up maybe someone would take something you say for thought, but you post so much BS, that the few that were on here after layoffs could care less anymore. Post something interesting, enough with the Pamlab bashing!

Well I still work here and trust the op everyone knows about this board even home office and they all read it, RM's ,DM's and reps.. that's how they know what people really feel and think about them. All the people that I talk to read this board evey day.

why would I trust you, and I guarntee most have not. How would you know if you don't even work there anymore???

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I do work here and heard many, many people talking about cafepharma at the national meeting.

If one of the reps knows, please advise all active ingredients in cerefolin and the total milligrams/micograms. Is B complex and Vit. D contained in cerefolin? Is cerefolin without any drug component? I have elevated hcy and intend to review the study in Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2001; 609-614 as well. How does cerefolin differ from Merck's Metafolin? Just read on fdanews.com "Nutraceutical Weekly Bulletin" of 8/11/05 that Metafolin, Merck's patented form of folate L-methylfolate, was approved by JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives), and prnewswire.com of 8/8/05 states that Merck will immediately begin marketing to the US dietary-supplement industry. FYI: my CVS pharmacist was unfamiliar w/cerefolin and couldn't locate it on his database, saying it may be an enzyme. Hope an informed person can respond to the questions I raised @ the beginning of this posting. Thanks!

Cerefolin has 5.35 mg of Metafolin, 1 mg b12 and 50 mg b6 also riboflavin another b all pateneted to lower homocysyeine. Metafolin is only available in prescription form with this combo in Cerefolin and Metanx both made by Pamlab which liscensed us rights from Merck Ga on anything over 1mg. These products are safer, more effective(cost and therapy) and better tolerated. but the combo of other active b's in the right mg is important to get teh most benefit and in just one small tablet. Don't let the pharmacists fool you into buying their otc knockoffs or generics, their ripping you off just as much as BIG pharma

Cerefolin has 5.35 mg of Metafolin, 1 mg b12 and 50 mg b6 also riboflavin another b all pateneted to lower homocysyeine. Metafolin is only available in prescription form with this combo in Cerefolin and Metanx both made by Pamlab which liscensed us rights from Merck Ga on anything over 1mg. These products are safer, more effective(cost and therapy) and better tolerated. but the combo of other active b's in the right mg is important to get teh most benefit and in just one small tablet. Don't let the pharmacists fool you into buying their otc knockoffs or generics, their ripping you off just as much as BIG pharma

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ummmm...don't know how to break it to you, but your chain was being yanked! Just let him go!

Guess what..I was able to sync today. That means they are reestablishing services out of Minden. Good luck mates.

Re: My posting #980614 - 09/04/05 08:41 PM: Thanks to the person willing to answer my query and not be so guarded and suspicious. I had been unsuccessfully trying to get on Pamlabs website, but it had been down for a few days, I thought possibly because of its geographic proximity to Katrina. The site is up tonight, and I'm now able to give my doc some info on cerefolin by printing out the package insert , etc. Those in the industry using your bulletin board would do well to realize that people seeking to be educated may well wander on to CafePharma, as I did thru a Google search. You need to be more receptive to the occasional query from an outsider and refrain from name-calling (loser) or asserting that I was trying to pull everyone's chain. In fact, my spouse works in the field of biopsychiatry, involved in drug research with schizophrenic patients. Perhaps your bulletin board is primarily meant for the disgruntled and ragging on one other...

I have been reading with much interest for the last couple of weeks, and am almost afraid to post. My mom has had Alzheimers since 2001. She's been on the reminyl (which is now called razadine?) and also when the namenda came out she began that with the razadine. Last March she ended up on a respirator for two weeks and in the hospital for six. The Alzheimer's really became much worse. For six weeks after that she was in a nursing home learning how to walk again. I teach, so at the end of the school year I brought her home. The summer was rough as she had all kinds of therapists in the house. Anyway, during the summer she couldn't even hold a conversation. Both her primary care and neurologist were reluctant to give her any more meds, so I ended up taking her to a psychiaritrist. He did prescribe ritalin and cerefolin. This combination has helped her tremendously. All her therapists agree on it too.

My question: I called her neurologist for some other business and I mentioned the cerefolin and also how expesive it was because my mom's income is only $800 a month. She does receive Medicaid, but that is uncovered. If that was the only uncovered med it wouldn't be bad. I am thoroughly convinced that the Cerefolin is helping. No, I'm not with PamLab. Up until three weeks ago, I never knew they existed. My mom's neurologist was trying to help, so she told me to come in and she'd give me some samples. I didn't realize it until I got home, but what she gave me was 60 FOLTX. Is there too much of a difference between the two drugs to substitute Foltx for Cerefolin? Could I add a vitamin to the Foltx to make it comparible? She has folic acid, vitamin B 6, and vitamin B 12 at home (none of which she takes anymore). I know none of you are physicians, at least I think I know that. From my reading it sounded like you're very familar with the two pills. I hope someone can help! Thank you very much for your time.