Cequa All Time high

No pipeline. Poor launches Minimal investment. Crappy benefits. All time high bwahaha! By what 150 Rxs. Still haven’t cracked a 4% share.

How is Scripthero working?
Scripthero is hardly making a dent. You need buy in from the Pharmacy where a patient fills their prescriptions. If the Pharmacy staff doesn’t want to do the additional work then it’s useless.

Here is the reality, is 09% cyclosporine marginally better then the .05%, yes it is. Is it sooo much better that MD's or OD's will go through a process or change company loyalty, no its not (sorry). You have a couple of handfuls of supporters that give you all false hope that the drug will take off....eventually. It wont. If you don't gain momentum 12 months into a launch, Covid or no Covid your product is toast. Cequa is cemented to a 5% or below share, period.

What do you all think is going to propel Cequa to a double digit share? A new program? Ground breaking study??!?!?! Its cyclosporine. if doctors havent hopped on it now they never will. They have moved on.

Staying here is like seeing the glacier from the wheelhouse of the Titanic hours before others and deciding to stay on it to see what happens.

Xiidra is at a 25% share and has been since 12-18 months post launch. Is it going to propel to 40% down the road? No, It wont. You need to buy BROAD coverage at this point and Sun is too cheap to do it nor do you have the demand or share to convince a plan to risk their essentially guaranteed rebate from your competitor.

**me patting you on the bum and sending you on your way**

Here is the reality, is 09% cyclosporine marginally better then the .05%, yes it is. Is it sooo much better that MD's or OD's will go through a process or change company loyalty, no its not (sorry). You have a couple of handfuls of supporters that give you all false hope that the drug will take off....eventually. It wont. If you don't gain momentum 12 months into a launch, Covid or no Covid your product is toast. Cequa is cemented to a 5% or below share, period.

What do you all think is going to propel Cequa to a double digit share? A new program? Ground breaking study??!?!?! Its cyclosporine. if doctors havent hopped on it now they never will. They have moved on.

Staying here is like seeing the glacier from the wheelhouse of the Titanic hours before others and deciding to stay on it to see what happens.

Xiidra is at a 25% share and has been since 12-18 months post launch. Is it going to propel to 40% down the road? No, It wont. You need to buy BROAD coverage at this point and Sun is too cheap to do it nor do you have the demand or share to convince a plan to risk their essentially guaranteed rebate from your competitor.

**me patting you on the bum and sending you on your way**

And that Ladies & Gentleman... is why so many people have left SUN. The worst management team. The worst marketing team. The worst training team. Is there anything good about this company. The recruiter did mention something but I can't remember what it was. Oh yeah, drunken COE junkets and endless stories about how great Abhay is - as told by Abhay. (as Mark & Dave nod approvingly and the 3 of them slap each other on the backs) My RSM has hinted about his frustration and has apologized about "issues"... what did I get myself into.

Here is the reality, is 09% cyclosporine marginally better then the .05%, yes it is. Is it sooo much better that MD's or OD's will go through a process or change company loyalty, no its not (sorry). You have a couple of handfuls of supporters that give you all false hope that the drug will take off....eventually. It wont. If you don't gain momentum 12 months into a launch, Covid or no Covid your product is toast. Cequa is cemented to a 5% or below share, period.

What do you all think is going to propel Cequa to a double digit share? A new program? Ground breaking study??!?!?! Its cyclosporine. if doctors havent hopped on it now they never will. They have moved on.

Staying here is like seeing the glacier from the wheelhouse of the Titanic hours before others and deciding to stay on it to see what happens.

Xiidra is at a 25% share and has been since 12-18 months post launch. Is it going to propel to 40% down the road? No, It wont. You need to buy BROAD coverage at this point and Sun is too cheap to do it nor do you have the demand or share to convince a plan to risk their essentially guaranteed rebate from your competitor.

**me patting you on the bum and sending you on your way**

way to stick it up that man. To add RXC closing doors at the end of the month and you think they could have planned ahead to sign in another pharmacy to help adjudicate prescriptions. Asleep at the wheel and guess who is held accountable if numbers remain below 5% share. Of course it’s the OAMs.

way to stick it up that man. To add RXC closing doors at the end of the month and you think they could have planned ahead to sign in another pharmacy to help adjudicate prescriptions. Asleep at the wheel and guess who is held accountable if numbers remain below 5% share. Of course it’s the OAMs.
No way they can lay this blame on the sales force. Jack up the quotas, no investment in managed care, mismanagement of RXC rollout AND exit, poor execution of Script Hero, no marketing dept, worst PTO in the industry, adding $ if you want to cover spouse on insurance just as a start to all the issues. There better not be a SINGLE person in management questioning “why” the turnover is so bad. Stop with the fake concern and DO something tangible!

No way they can lay this blame on the sales force. Jack up the quotas, no investment in managed care, mismanagement of RXC rollout AND exit, poor execution of Script Hero, no marketing dept, worst PTO in the industry, adding $ if you want to cover spouse on insurance just as a start to all the issues. There better not be a SINGLE person in management questioning “why” the turnover is so bad. Stop with the fake concern and DO something tangible!

Well according to HO and HR - "Sorry. The reps always... ALWAYS, get the blame when it comes to sales".

But Esposito and Hagler - the mismanagement of the sales force, the ineptitude of their initiatives, and on and on... means nothing. They should be removed. I'd be curious why Espo left his last pharma job?

If this was a public company, the shareholders would not have accepted this penny stock. The amount of screw ups, the critical people that have left. It tells me Hags and Esp would never find work with another company so........ they are accepting the shit, and keep throwing out the race horses.

Hence why you should all quit. No changes will be made. let's wait for the next announcement how Cequa exceeded earnings and you made $500 in Xelpros bonus only

SUN should let all of you clowns go. SUN does not belong in the eye business. Old products at high prices and glad handing sales people who only know how to buy business. No coverage and samples equals no sales. Go back to Bausch or Alcon were you can hide in the mob.

People keep leaving... I wonder why? Over half the sales team, all the ASDs have flipped at least once in the last 2yrs. The marketing team has turned over. It’s amazing that India hasn’t pulled the plug on the whole failed project.