Cequa All Time high


I don’t get it Dave. You say that we are blowing out the Cequa numbers the past two weeks. How ironic is that out of around 140 territories I can count the number of territories that are at target with the fingers off 1 hand. 4
And you wonder why the revolving door at OPH never stops spinning

I don’t get it Dave. You say that we are blowing out the Cequa numbers the past two weeks. How ironic is that out of around 140 territories I can count the number of territories that are at target with the fingers off 1 hand. 4
And you wonder why the revolving door at OPH never stops spinning
Welcome to the shit show.

I don’t get it Dave. You say that we are blowing out the Cequa numbers the past two weeks. How ironic is that out of around 140 territories I can count the number of territories that are at target with the fingers off 1 hand. 4
And you wonder why the revolving door at OPH never stops spinning

Do. Not. Trust. Them.

So what’s the national market share for Cequa 2 years after. Less than 4%. Senior Leadership doesn’t have a clue since none have any OPH background. It’s a shit show before and continues to be so. Laughing stock of the industry.
Sun’s propaganda machine considers 1% share a success. Is Tildra there yet - I left 3 years ago. So glad.

That's what Sun does. Little investment in contracts. rebates, minimal marketing investment and low compensation for employees. When the branded drugs hit a small share in a large market it is still profitable for them. Sales or marketing people make NO money. Sun doesn't want to be a market leader, its all profit driven which is understandable to a point. You as employees will make minimal dollars and no matter what rationale you present to why it should be different, they don't care. You can be replaced at a 25% discount in salary.

That's what Sun does. Little investment in contracts. rebates, minimal marketing investment and low compensation for employees. When the branded drugs hit a small share in a large market it is still profitable for them. Sales or marketing people make NO money. Sun doesn't want to be a market leader, its all profit driven which is understandable to a point. You as employees will make minimal dollars and no matter what rationale you present to why it should be different, they don't care. You can be replaced at a 25% discount in salary.
Wait a minute.
That ‘small % MS in a huge market’ is BS. That was in the launch plan for Ilumya, but 0%, or 1% is still shit.

youre missing the point. it is still crap but they make money and you wont.

the amount they invest warrants the low share hence less cost, not tens of millions in market access and marketing. its generic strategy and brand profits

youre missing the point. it is still crap but they make money and you wont.

the amount they invest warrants the low share hence less cost, not tens of millions in market access and marketing. its generic strategy and brand profits
Actually they’re not making much at all bc of the licensing agreement and the up front costs.
This was to be Sun’s stake in the US soil, and they got it backwards - it’s turned out to be a stake in the heart of Sun and the soil is in Dilip’s pants.

But you’re right in that they’re going to find a way not to pay people.

I don’t get it Dave. You say that we are blowing out the Cequa numbers the past two weeks. How ironic is that out of around 140 territories I can count the number of territories that are at target with the fingers off 1 hand. 4
And you wonder why the revolving door at OPH never stops spinning

Counting down the days until the Midget and Humper get the heave-ho for missing sales forecasts. Hahaha. Who I'm I kidding.

Counting down the days until the Midget and Humper get the heave-ho for missing sales forecasts. Hahaha. Who I'm I kidding.

Be real. Mark, Kyle, Ron and Tom have dirt that can sink the ship, so they’re not getting canned. Ron and Tom have personal risk next time the OIG knocks on the door so it’s a mutual-thing with Abhay, where they’re tied to each other.

Just listen to my latest voice memo. We are winning because of three words I brought to Sun.



And that's him raising the bar.... by getting all tactical and strategic. What exactly has he done again? Its been what 8 months. Why did I accept this promotion?I get better coaching from Dora the Explorer.

Oh yeah, " Routing something something, ... blah blah blah... did I say routing"

And that's him raising the bar.... by getting all tactical and strategic. What exactly has he done again? Its been what 8 months. Why did I accept this promotion?I get better coaching from Dora the Explorer.

Oh yeah, " Routing something something, ... blah blah blah... did I say routing"

"I get better coaching from Dora the Explorer."
Ok that wins it

And that's him raising the bar.... by getting all tactical and strategic. What exactly has he done again? Its been what 8 months. Why did I accept this promotion?I get better coaching from Dora the Explorer.

Oh yeah, " Routing something something, ... blah blah blah... did I say routing"
How about get another Pharmacy on Board to replace the fiasco that is RX Crossroads. Quit relying on the OAMs to do the job you are highly paid to do. And it’s obvious that you keep on going to Conferences just to make it into a junket.

No pipeline. Poor launches Minimal investment. Crappy benefits. All time high bwahaha! By what 150 Rxs. Still haven’t cracked a 4% share.

How is Scripthero working?
You have to remember how low the bar is set at Sun. After $1B investment, has Ilumya reached 1% share?
What a effing joke.
The sh*t show continues…