CEO Mike Ball

Fixing problems my ass. Just agreed to a 60 million dollar settlement for misleading stockholders. How do you get a bonus when the company has underperformed the market every year since he has been there? This guy is all smoke and mirrors with zero substance.
Ask the hourly people about HIP. This company is leaderless and that includes his misguided staff. Begley did him no favors however after almost four years I don't see any improvement.

Here's your post where you fessed up on here douche boy. Now tell us why you were fired,
and who did you wrong.
The problem is that we "field people" never hear the real truth; we get the scrubbed/spun version of what management wants us to hear. Anonymity does allow some evils, but it does provide safety........corporate does not want, nor can it handle the truth.

There definitely is way too much of the immature, moronic, and mean crap here, but the serious posts do provide a forum for those of us who truly want to make Pharma a better place to make a career. It allows serious commentary/discussion re: what cannot be said publically without the risk of being disciplined or fired.

I speak from personal experience as I am one of many who has seen their career hurt....or were fired....due to speaking the truth.

Get a job moron and learn how to spell The only thing drained is your bank account after you were fired Now get out and look for work slacker and stop living on this board 24/7
PHEW What a no life loser you are Go to manufacturing board you pion! Like I said before its just you and 2 other morons posting here and you answer 95% of your OWN posts
bye bye loser

You know it boy !

Fixing problems my ass. Just agreed to a 60 million dollar settlement for misleading stockholders. How do you get a bonus when the company has underperformed the market every year since he has been there? This guy is all smoke and mirrors with zero substance.
Ask the hourly people about HIP. This company is leaderless and that includes his misguided staff. Begley did him no favors however after almost four years I don't see any improvement.

How the hell do you have the time research every hsp news item ?
Oooohhh that's right....... you don't work, I forgot and you got no life
see ya wuss ACCS/A-HOLE

Interesting how the CEO's get big payouts for screwing things up and then supposedly fixing them. First Beagley gets big goldern parachute to just leave before he completely destroys what was left of the company. Now Mike Ball gets huge bonus for spending like a drunken sailor to try and repair the mess Beagley caused.

How is everyone elses pay increases coming (except you crooks at the corporate level)?

Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues

Read more: Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues - FiercePharma Manufacturing http://www.fiercepharmamanufacturin...maker-through-issues/2014-03-25#ixzz2xG73W6Zo
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Pay increase?

Interesting how the CEO's get big payouts for screwing things up and then supposedly fixing them. First Beagley gets big goldern parachute to just leave before he completely destroys what was left of the company. Now Mike Ball gets huge bonus for spending like a drunken sailor to try and repair the mess Beagley caused.

How is everyone elses pay increases coming (except you crooks at the corporate level)?

Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues

Read more: Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues - FiercePharma Manufacturing http://www.fiercepharmamanufacturin...maker-through-issues/2014-03-25#ixzz2xG73W6Zo
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Sooooo True.

You got something against information? At least he is not sticking his head in the sand. If he has no life, you don't either.

Define Wuss -
A person who is physically weak and ineffectual. Often a male person with low courage factor.
Also known as wimp,coward,pansy,chicken,sissy,emo,crybaby and others I can't mention
The same Information repeated over and over is worthless The communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence is diminished when the facts are already known

Interesting how the CEO's get big payouts for screwing things up and then supposedly fixing them. First Beagley gets big goldern parachute to just leave before he completely destroys what was left of the company. Now Mike Ball gets huge bonus for spending like a drunken sailor to try and repair the mess Beagley caused.

How is everyone elses pay increases coming (except you crooks at the corporate level)?

Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues

Read more: Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues - FiercePharma Manufacturing http://www.fiercepharmamanufacturin...maker-through-issues/2014-03-25#ixzz2xG73W6Zo
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Typical Hospira

Please remember not to tell your customers anything that Hospira tells us in regards to product availability, ETA's, etc. Usually the information is wrong and it makes us in the field look like idiots.

That's because you guys are dumbasses!!! Some of these reps are clueless to the fact that all of our product is on ibuy!! It's nice being the only rep with SAP LOL! My customers are happier then ever.

That's because you guys are dumbasses!!! Some of these reps are clueless to the fact that all of our product is on ibuy!! It's nice being the only rep with SAP LOL! My customers are happier then ever.

hey Iam bored wuss so you can play your little game on abt and hsp board unobstructed
you have CP all to yourself
peace out

Interesting how the CEO's get big payouts for screwing things up and then supposedly fixing them. First Beagley gets big goldern parachute to just leave before he completely destroys what was left of the company. Now Mike Ball gets huge bonus for spending like a drunken sailor to try and repair the mess Beagley caused.

How is everyone elses pay increases coming (except you crooks at the corporate level)?

Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues

Read more: Hospira CEO gets nearly $10M for steering drugmaker through issues - FiercePharma Manufacturing http://www.fiercepharmamanufacturin...maker-through-issues/2014-03-25#ixzz2xG73W6Zo
Subscribe at FiercePharma Manufacturing

Corporate Welfare.