CEO Alberto mentions cuts & job losses in future


(Reuters) - Pfizer Inc Chief Executive Albert Bourla said the drugmaker could rethink plans to expand in the United States if the country implements an executive order signed by President Donald Trump last week that would tie the prices Medicare patients pay for drugs to those paid by other countries.

Trump on Friday signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs, as he faces an uphill re-election battle and criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

"These new executive orders could force us to rethink those plans, consider job reductions and add to the economic and health anxiety already widely felt in our country," Bourla said on the company's earnings conference call.


(Reuters) - Pfizer Inc Chief Executive Albert Bourla said the drugmaker could rethink plans to expand in the United States if the country implements an executive order signed by President Donald Trump last week that would tie the prices Medicare patients pay for drugs to those paid by other countries.

Trump on Friday signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs, as he faces an uphill re-election battle and criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

"These new executive orders could force us to rethink those plans, consider job reductions and add to the economic and health anxiety already widely felt in our country," Bourla said on the company's earnings conference call.

of course Stupid!Quit being bitter and worried about what Pfizer is doing.This will impact all of Pharma r*****.Not just with Pfizer.Key word is “if”

of course Stupid!Quit being bitter and worried about what Pfizer is doing.This will impact all of Pharma r*****.Not just with Pfizer.Key word is “if”
Your not very smart w Business.
1) CEOs do not make public statements unless they & ELT has been discussing for some time the issues & solutions (they work yrs in advance unlike your rep brain from day to day).

2) Yes pricing pressure will effect industry but the companies LEAN & FLAT org structure with not a lot of layers are effected the least.
Big Pharma like us at Pfizer with a zillion of position overlap & duplications will be hit harder.

Man, I hate to explain elementary grade school business 101 to some of you egg heads.

(Reuters) - Pfizer Inc Chief Executive Albert Bourla said the drugmaker could rethink plans to expand in the United States if the country implements an executive order signed by President Donald Trump last week that would tie the prices Medicare patients pay for drugs to those paid by other countries.

Trump on Friday signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs, as he faces an uphill re-election battle and criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

"These new executive orders could force us to rethink those plans, consider job reductions and add to the economic and health anxiety already widely felt in our country," Bourla said on the company's earnings conference call.
Saw this on CNBC & also read on WSJ Albert's comment. And YES if he said this, it has been discussed by Executive Committee for months as an option.

Saw this on CNBC & also read on WSJ Albert's comment. And YES if he said this, it has been discussed by Executive Committee for months as an option.

Lets be honest, this is long overdue.

Come on, guys, even pre COVID, the reach & frequency/ share of voice business model was antiquated. Look at how much money we make (salary, benefits, perks), and look at how little access reps have (especially those in and near communities "run" by top tier teaching hospitals).

If you are like most of my colleagues, the past 4 months have been one long Pfizer-paid vacation, with everyone repeating the mantra that reps drive business and that there will never be cuts. I am far from the brightest bulb on the tree, but I have been lining up my next move should the ax fall in December. Please do the same, or suffer the consequences. I hope I'm wrong. But I dont think so.

(Reuters) - Pfizer Inc Chief Executive Albert Bourla said the drugmaker could rethink plans to expand in the United States if the country implements an executive order signed by President Donald Trump last week that would tie the prices Medicare patients pay for drugs to those paid by other countries.

Trump on Friday signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs, as he faces an uphill re-election battle and criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

"These new executive orders could force us to rethink those plans, consider job reductions and add to the economic and health anxiety already widely felt in our country," Bourla said on the company's earnings conference call.

Pharma has been subsidizing the world with drugs for decades. Time to end it, and when price controls are instituted, the gravy train is over.
Pharma will simply raise prices to foreign countries to make up the difference and the gravy train will be rumbling down the tracks again.
It would be ludicrous to allow US consumers to be able to buy US drugs from Canada, that we sold them at significantly less than the US price to consumers.

Your not very smart w Business.
1) CEOs do not make public statements unless they & ELT has been discussing for some time the issues & solutions (they work yrs in advance unlike your rep brain from day to day).

2) Yes pricing pressure will effect industry but the companies LEAN & FLAT org structure with not a lot of layers are effected the least.
Big Pharma like us at Pfizer with a zillion of position overlap & duplications will be hit harder.

Man, I hate to explain elementary grade school business 101 to some of you egg heads.

of course Stupid!Quit being bitter and worried about what Pfizer is doing.This will impact all of Pharma r*****.Not just with Pfizer.Key word is “if”
Agree w other posts, you are not very bright with business or stupidly naive.
You only need 1 dam rep in a terr that can carry up to 3-4 products given the way mandates are w formulary driving utilizarion.
Companies like Pfizer that had marketing believing more reps drive sales were proven 100% wrong the last 4 months & will be more at risk in areas that have more than 1 rep per terr.
Dude the dam CEO all but said what will happen! Only question is timing.
If that is not clear enough, then you are a Pfizer blue lifer that deserves to be crushed like the cockroach you are when ax comes down.

(Amazing how some of you all with no common sense get hired!)

Thankful for Albert giving us basically a 5 month heads up with his public comments about US job cuts in the near future.
Better than holiday season getting an urgent message for a 8am HR webex call!

Albert thank you for compassion & respect for people giving us a heads up foreshadow of things to come, even though the reason for these comments were more so to create attrition to limit actual cuts, still thank you for the advance notice of whats coming

Thankful for Albert giving us basically a 5 month heads up with his public comments about US job cuts in the near future.
Better than holiday season getting an urgent message for a 8am HR webex call!

Albert thank you for compassion & respect for people giving us a heads up foreshadow of things to come, even though the reason for these comments were more so to create attrition to limit actual cuts, still thank you for the advance notice of whats coming
Yes. Get those resumes out there. Some companies will be hiring. There will always be products approved, and some companies are in the field.

Thankful for Albert giving us basically a 5 month heads up with his public comments about US job cuts in the near future.
Better than holiday season getting an urgent message for a 8am HR webex call!

Albert thank you for compassion & respect for people giving us a heads up foreshadow of things to come, even though the reason for these comments were more so to create attrition to limit actual cuts, still thank you for the advance notice of whats coming

Yeah, the moron actually threatened to curtail Covid research if the prez contimues with price control talks. Guess the billion spent on lobbying, aka bribes isn’t stopping Trump. Joe would take less to allow pharma to continue the screwing of the American people.
He exposed what Pharma has been for decades, an industry built on greed.
It has always been Profits first, patients last.
why do you think chloroquine isn’t mainstream’s too cheap, investors can’t make any money on it. Wanna bet Fauci and his politician buddies have stock in Gilead?
People are suffering and dying because of greed and stupidity.

Said no reductions. Actually was pretty animated about it. Pretty deep pipeline from the presentation and the updated website. Onc, I&I and Vaccines have the lions share of it.
Now the middle portion of the presentation looks like going to be some reduction in redundancy at the macro level. I mean how many emails have you received and you can’t really explain what their job title means? My bet is there are a lot and they are making $$$.

Said no reductions. Actually was pretty animated about it. Pretty deep pipeline from the presentation and the updated website. Onc, I&I and Vaccines have the lions share of it.
Now the middle portion of the presentation looks like going to be some reduction in redundancy at the macro level. I mean how many emails have you received and you can’t really explain what their job title means? My bet is there are a lot and they are making $$$.
There are too many managers, from DBM on up the chain.

Said no reductions. Actually was pretty animated about it. Pretty deep pipeline from the presentation and the updated website. Onc, I&I and Vaccines have the lions share of it.
Now the middle portion of the presentation looks like going to be some reduction in redundancy at the macro level. I mean how many emails have you received and you can’t really explain what their job title means? My bet is there are a lot and they are making $$$.

it’s on Pfizer World

Said no reductions. Actually was pretty animated about it. Pretty deep pipeline from the presentation and the updated website. Onc, I&I and Vaccines have the lions share of it.
Now the middle portion of the presentation looks like going to be some reduction in redundancy at the macro level. I mean how many emails have you received and you can’t really explain what their job title means? My bet is there are a lot and they are making $$$.
Open your eyes & ears Blue boozer.
Albert so no "COVID related reductions!"
That is different from job cuts due to over capacity, too many reps, poor sales or Drug Price Controls!
He is smart with is words and focused answer around COVID RELATED....
You all need to really wise up & look at what was really said.

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