Celgene Stock- what does this merger mean?

What a lie! There is no rep who received 30,000 shares when they joined. They may have that amount total over years but not at one shot. Been here 13 years and no one got that at sign on, not management, no one!

It was $30,000 worth of stock in a sign on bonus, and many got screwed out of it when the last reorganization happened.

This is some shill trying to make things sounds rosy.. NO person received that many stock option EVER to sign on at a rep level, not even close. Must be the same trolls that always talk about other subjects trying to get a reaction.
You are right pure nonsense. Just braggers trying to get people jealous.

I have scientist friends at BMS and Celgene. With all the mergers over the years, one ends up knowing lots of people. I worked in Pharma for a few decades. I finally took a buyout last year. I am so glad to be off this M&A rollercoaster. Managers are typically not told anything until the night before or morning of in regards to layoffs.

The "rules" for my severance package kept changing even after my last day. Keep a hard copy of everything before you walk out the door, keep contact info from HR. I had to send my acceptance letter of severance package immediately after receiving it by express mail. Some sent it a few days later and their severence was delayed. This happened at the end of year. Don't assume they will be fair. Be prompt in your responses, they will be aggressive in trying to contain costs. I ended up leaving my stock options in place for now. The company sold some of them without my input to pay income taxes. Good Luck!