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The Trump factor is now beginning to take effect. To all of you Trump followers and voters...welcome to the rest of your life. Your life will consist of the great tax cuts you scream about as you work...FOREVER!

The Trump factor is now beginning to take effect. To all of you Trump followers and voters...welcome to the rest of your life. Your life will consist of the great tax cuts you scream about as you work...FOREVER!

Trump followers are the dumbest fools ever. They think they are going to be the beneficiaries of the tax cuts. Sorry idiots. Your taxes are going up and you will work longer than ever.

About 50% of the country makes less than 50k a year and pays ZERO income taxes.

The middle class pays all the taxes because the ultra rich have zero income and ZERO income taxes since they have manipulated the tax code to protect wealth.

Fox News make it so easy for Trump to lie to dumb people.

The problem is, the other side ran Hillary and she deserved to lose.

The American people lost either way.

Trump followers are the dumbest fools ever. They think they are going to be the beneficiaries of the tax cuts. Sorry idiots. Your taxes are going up and you will work longer than ever.

About 50% of the country makes less than 50k a year and pays ZERO income taxes.

The middle class pays all the taxes because the ultra rich have zero income and ZERO income taxes since they have manipulated the tax code to protect wealth.

Fox News make it so easy for Trump to lie to dumb people.

The problem is, the other side ran Hillary and she deserved to lose.

The American people lost either way.


Trump followers are the dumbest fools ever. They think they are going to be the beneficiaries of the tax cuts. Sorry idiots. Your taxes are going up and you will work longer than ever.

About 50% of the country makes less than 50k a year and pays ZERO income taxes.

The middle class pays all the taxes because the ultra rich have zero income and ZERO income taxes since they have manipulated the tax code to protect wealth.

Fox News make it so easy for Trump to lie to dumb people.

The problem is, the other side ran Hillary and she deserved to lose.

The American people lost either way.

I just love how the stock went further down after the earnings month lol. Talk about being in a bad spot. I'm wondering when the Bruce Willis look-alike head mother-fer in charge is going to realize and say f-it, I'm done haha.

I just love how the stock went further down after the earnings month lol. Talk about being in a bad spot. I'm wondering when the Bruce Willis look-alike head mother-fer in charge is going to realize and say f-it, I'm done haha.
It’s quite obvious you don’t like the man and don’t wish him well. However there’s hardworking dedicated people working in the company who are dependent on the company doing well. Go hate elsewhere!

Trump followers are the dumbest fools ever. They think they are going to be the beneficiaries of the tax cuts. Sorry idiots. Your taxes are going up and you will work longer than ever.

About 50% of the country makes less than 50k a year and pays ZERO income taxes.

The middle class pays all the taxes because the ultra rich have zero income and ZERO income taxes since they have manipulated the tax code to protect wealth.

Fox News make it so easy for Trump to lie to dumb people.

The problem is, the other side ran Hillary and she deserved to lose.

The American people lost either way.
who do you want ? Maxine waters or Cory, If you dont like tax cut why dont you give that money back to government or a charity if you are so genrousr and adopt two illegal aliens to your home , dont be a hippocrite, we have the best economy and lowest unemployment in history and King Jong UN is silenced,China is paying dearly for their intellectual theft. MAGA

It’s quite obvious you don’t like the man and don’t wish him well. However there’s hardworking dedicated people working in the company who are dependent on the company doing well. Go hate elsewhere!
why would one have to love him, under his watch layoffs were done, stock crashed , numerous lawsuits and lost 50% of market cap, does he know what he is doing other than working in the navy prior

who do you want ? Maxine waters or Cory, If you dont like tax cut why dont you give that money back to government or a charity if you are so genrousr and adopt two illegal aliens to your home , dont be a hippocrite, we have the best economy and lowest unemployment in history and King Jong UN is silenced,China is paying dearly for their intellectual theft. MAGA

I'm going to need some references for the these claims, and the references can not be Donald Trump or Fox news. You are the typical Trumparian idiot, repeating what you have heard stated elsewhere by others who also have not provided references and solid data to back up these crazy claims. I bet you are quite a display of intellect within your accounts.

why would one have to love him, under his watch layoffs were done, stock crashed , numerous lawsuits and lost 50% of market cap, does he know what he is doing other than working in the navy prior

Our plunge has nothing to do with the orange man in charge. It has everything to do with our arrogance as a company. It is finally coming back to bite us in the ass!!

who do you want ? Maxine waters or Cory, If you dont like tax cut why dont you give that money back to government or a charity if you are so genrousr and adopt two illegal aliens to your home , dont be a hippocrite, we have the best economy and lowest unemployment in history and King Jong UN is silenced,China is paying dearly for their intellectual theft. MAGA

spoken like a true Faux-News watching drone. Look little fella, no one is falling for your false dichotomy of Maxine or Cory. There are other options. No one likes those clowns except the victim mentality hordes who want to blame others for their own laziness. The fact is you and I didn't get a tax cut. Period. You may think you did with you simple, bigoted mind. But you didn't. Not in the end. The only people who got a tax cut were the top 0.25%. The bottom half don't pay taxes. The only people who pay taxes are the working, middle class. As for your other Info War, Hannity lead chants:
-the economy was humming along. Look at the trend line from 2008-2016. Where was it headed?
-unemployment - look at the trend line again - where was it headed?
Jong? Ha. He hasn't been silenced. Weapons work has accelerated. Even Mattis says so. But the idiot in charge does like followers who snap to attention, remember? While were at that, please explain the Helsinki debacle. Outright traitor.
-China hasn't paid a single thing. Agent Orange's tariffs have hurt only the rust belt followers he duped to begin with.

Faux-News has made it so easy for Trump to lie to dumb people and you are the prime example.

Now go shoot up a pizza parlor or battle the UN troops in the woods you whackadoodle.