When is Celgene going to be moved to 'Lost Civilizations?'


It was a great company, driven into the ground by ex-Merck and ex-Novartians who joined thinking only of the $$$ they would earn whilst stepping on everyone they could to seek favor with their managers.

Novartians are the worst anywhere, especially those from legal. We had a machine humming until all the female legal Novartians showed up looking not to help, but to hurt sales while disguising their efforts are helpful.

Couple big, mean female lawyers caused a bunch of problems. I know one was a Novartin for sure. Then there was the compliance woman who was going to law school at night. She actually knew what we did for a living, but she was way out of touch on how lunches actually work. These BMY lawyers at least understand that we feed the whole office, and only sell to the providers.