Celgene Layoffs to be Massive!!!

It is well known that BMS has no in house Corporate Services employees. This includes facilities, engineering, space planning, lab services, security, etc. BMS outsources all these positions through JLL, a maintenance services company who has a contract with BMS to service and maintain all their facilities across the US. So what will happen to the Celgene Corporate Services employees after Day 2? Comments?

My lawyer and I just looked into all this. Q&A and severance packet clearly outlines any material change including a change of over 30 miles from your residence to your new territory are terms to accept severance. Scary that many of my colleagues are selling based on literature they receive but can't read the severance documents posted online.

This is true. Pfizer and Wyeth had the same 30 mile residence to work deal. They gave us two years to resign with severance. I lived in PA but worked in NY so I was eligible to resign with a package.

It is well known that BMS has no in house Corporate Services employees. This includes facilities, engineering, space planning, lab services, security, etc. BMS outsources all these positions through JLL, a maintenance services company who has a contract with BMS to service and maintain all their facilities across the US. So what will happen to the Celgene Corporate Services employees after Day 2? Comments?

I think you just answered the question yourself... you are what the corporate folk call “a synergy”

about 4k Celgene employees will be shown the door in addition to 2-3k BMS employees.

With Immunology on R&D side, since there is so much synergy between the companies, how and when will people on each side know about potential layoffs? Who is going to make the individual decisions or is it going to be more mechanical (years of employment, etc)?

I'd like this. Fat severance and I get away from the arrogant air heads I work with.

Fat severance? What is fat about a few K? https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/does-your-severance-pay-beat-eli-lilly-s

Eli Lilly provided 3x monthly salary if under 10 years and lets face it thats most people. Anyone whose done over 10 years, your at the bottom of the scrap heap age wise in your next position.......theres always younger, fitter blood who can travel further, and make more sales.

When will notifications on work force reductions going to happen for the R&D side?
Do we know how much reduction in force will happen on Celgene vs BMS sides?

Soon I would hope but "Celgene" offices seem to be in denial. I know at least 3 offices who haven't even changed their voicemail yet. R&D locations will definitely be some of the first to go, why pay the lease on these buildings for any longer than you have to! I will presume the bigger % of reduction will be on the Celgene side........

I hope they fire a bunch of those people who get away with murder like Frank Marrero!!! You got a bunch of hypocrites and liars that starts from the top!! What goes around comes around!!

It is well known that BMS has no in house Corporate Services employees. Why pay a large salary to a corporate service team when you can outsource with JLL...goodbye corporate services!!! You will see a bunch of facilities people on the street!! All those people who got paid a ton of money for doing shit, kissing ass, and taking credit for all you hard work , ( without a real degree...(hmm F. Marrero) ..good luck starting from the bottom again!!

I hope they fire a bunch of those people who get away with murder like Frank Marrero!!! You got a bunch of hypocrites and liars that starts from the top!! What goes around comes around!!

There's others that are just as dishonest on the Celgene side. Like that ass shit Bart Watts

Hows working for him going you turds?