CCS Medical from Pharma?

CCS has absolutely NO morals or ethics. I have worked for several good companies as well as bad but there is not a company that has worse mngt then CCS. This company is a joke!

Still makes me sick today. Thinking of the double standard that Dan and Beat had. They would force people to come in early and stay late. In the mean time they would be gone everyday between 4 and 4:30 pm. What They said to there people is (I am better then you). My family is more important than yours. Grrrrrrr, I should had brought a lawsuit against dump CCS.

If you are considering working for this company, you should at least know what you are getting into. If you want to make pretty good $$ in this company the best thing you can do is move to a territory that has good insurance contracts, ie. Ohio, Louisiana, PA. You must also kiss your manufactures a## because they will make or break you. Mngt in this company is by far the worst I have ever seen. You can make lots of $$ in this company if you are in a good territory but if you are looking for a company that cares about their employees ths is NOT the company. They should have been sued several times and even forced one of their female employees to quite because she was pregnant and couldn't fulfill her job description. Turnover rate is very high because of horrible mngt. I graduated with 10 people in my training class in 2011 and within 18 months there were only 2 left.

My best advice, if you are considering working for this company, take full advantage of them throughout your tenure and always keep your eye out for a better opportunity because you will never have any stability in this company. Squeeze every $$ possible out of this company and when you get decent rankings get out quick. Bottom line: they absolutely DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR EMPLOYEES AND THEY WILL LAY OFF EMPLOYEES AT THE DROP OF A DIME WITH NO THOUGHT. ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN B because you will need it.

we are still standing for all you ass holes that wrote us off. stop the bull shit you have no clue of what your talking about. so stop you guessing you losers you are losers because you have no job and seating home beating your meat or use a big dildo to help you threw the day sorry

What are the Managers like there? How about the culture? Is there opportunity for advancement into management after a while?

The culture is GREAT!!! If you want to become a manager or higher, just be as stupid as you can
be. My manager Steve S. is a dumb ass!! His last name should be PVC, if you know what I mean. Ask him to do a presentation, you will find out. I don't think will last long, and because he does not have any big pharma experience his option will be Home depot.
I like to keep my job as a regular rep, i can play Golf, go to the beach, movies etc. Anyway the crap that we try to sell, won't sell by giving more time. Enjoy life!! JUST MAINTAIN A RESUME HANDY, THIS COMPANY IS GOING DOWN IN LESS THAT A YEAR.

we are still standing for all you ass holes that wrote us off. stop the bull shit you have no clue of what your talking about. so stop you guessing you losers you are losers because you have no job and seating home beating your meat or use a big dildo to help you threw the day sorry
WOW... Clearly this is a current employee... Not just from the message, but the expert spelling and sentence structure is a dead giveaway for how much intelligence is on board at CCS. I would bet this message was created by T. Rogiers or T. Hudson! Any other ideas?

Place sucks,nothing but lies,cheats,affairs.we know who you are.especially the few girls in pharmacy.grow up people,you all brought this on me i was there.who wouldnt close shop when all you children just come here to play.
Can someone please elaborate, and please share who cheats and has affairs.