CC - Last Two Days

But we contractors can only be screwed so far...That is unless we are very, very stupid. If you have a lot of stupid contractors it can work against the bottom line in the long run. Like I said, good luck with that.

Interesting logic. Just how screwed is acceptable to you? And what is it that contract workers can do to prevent being screwed that the employee cannot?
The issue here has nothing to do with being stupid, it's just the way the contractor system works. If there were not a clear financial advantage, no one would use them. And in today's economy and this industry, companies will have no problem finding bright, hard-working people who need a paycheck, but can't land a position as a regular pharma employee. Don't for a minute think that the pharma companies haven't got that figured out.

I work at the park and actually appreciate those of you that work hard and try to make a difference. Abbvie is a good company to work for- paycheck gets deposited, people are nice, and benefits are pretty good. It's called work for those of you that bitch. If it was all fun and games, you would be paying the company. I hope those of you with attitudes like this person find jobs internally or at least in your geographical areas with similar pay. Good luck.

Walk a mile in other people's shoes, my friend. Did you ever stop and consider that maybe some people have a legitimate gripe? I would guess that most folks have no problem with their employer expecting a certain level of job performance, but that door swings both ways. When employees are lied to by their "leadership", it does leave bitter feelings, and, sometimes, incompetent, or non-existant, leadership, makes one's job very difficult. CP is a forum where people can vent their frustrations, and, I'd bet, a fair amount of hyperbole. It doesn't mean we're all holed up at a Panera's for 8 hours a day. In fact, since the posts are anonymous, you can't even be sure they're being made by Abbvie personnel.

It was good knowing most of you. I hope this situation turns positive and into an opportunity for you. For me it has, I was one of the lucky ones that could retire. I will miss the big checks, but making less witout playing all the OEC and managers games is worth it.

Interesting logic. Just how screwed is acceptable to you? And what is it that contract workers can do to prevent being screwed that the employee cannot?
The issue here has nothing to do with being stupid, it's just the way the contractor system works. If there were not a clear financial advantage, no one would use them. And in today's economy and this industry, companies will have no problem finding bright, hard-working people who need a paycheck, but can't land a position as a regular pharma employee. Don't for a minute think that the pharma companies haven't got that figured out.
Contractors can't prevent themselves from being screwed here. They can move on to other companies who treat them better or get a regular job. Think boycott. If you are a contractor I recommend you work somewhere else. It is just like shopping for a house. Some people pay way too much for a property, others look around and get a deal. Job hunting is similar. Look around. There are deals to be had, or at least vast improvements to this place. Don't let big pharma fool you into believing this is the best you can get.

Walk a mile in other people's shoes, my friend. Did you ever stop and consider that maybe some people have a legitimate gripe? I would guess that most folks have no problem with their employer expecting a certain level of job performance, but that door swings both ways. When employees are lied to by their "leadership", it does leave bitter feelings, and, sometimes, incompetent, or non-existant, leadership, makes one's job very difficult. CP is a forum where people can vent their frustrations, and, I'd bet, a fair amount of hyperbole. It doesn't mean we're all holed up at a Panera's for 8 hours a day. In fact, since the posts are anonymous, you can't even be sure they're being made by Abbvie personnel.

Hear Yee Hear Yee! All CC reps that are left griping about being out of work, didn't you see it coming 2-3 years ago??? What is your answer? It is "yes" of course. The patents were expiring and we all knew it. So don't be spewing too much about being screwed. The writing has been on the wall and your lazy ass paid no attention to it. You should have jumped when the window was there but you didn't. Now enjoy the summer and fall with your families while being paid, clean up your crappy attitude and do something with yourself. Stop waiting for things to happen. Make things happen,

Are over. If you want to be "happy" in your life, seek joy. Give more than you receive. And dare I say...put God first. Family. Friends. Community. Whatever your passion....make a living from it. I did not for a long time and I would if I could do it over. Better late than never still holds true. Godspeed.

Are over. If you want to be "happy" in your life, seek joy. Give more than you receive. And dare I say...put God first. Family. Friends. Community. Whatever your passion....make a living from it. I did not for a long time and I would if I could do it over. Better late than never still holds true. Godspeed.

Appreciate the thoughtful post!!

Hear Yee Hear Yee! All CC reps that are left griping about being out of work, didn't you see it coming 2-3 years ago??? What is your answer? It is "yes" of course. The patents were expiring and we all knew it. So don't be spewing too much about being screwed. The writing has been on the wall and your lazy ass paid no attention to it. You should have jumped when the window was there but you didn't. Now enjoy the summer and fall with your families while being paid, clean up your crappy attitude and do something with yourself. Stop waiting for things to happen. Make things happen,

It's amazing how many posters on this site have no reading comprehension skills. The above post rants on about the CC team "spewing" about losing their jobs, when the referred post said nothing of the kind. It referred to misleading statements made by leadership about the search for replacements for products facing LOE.
Next time, moron, trying reading things and then THINKING before responding. I know it's a radical change for you, but make things happen.

Walk a mile in other people's shoes, my friend. Did you ever stop and consider that maybe some people have a legitimate gripe? I would guess that most folks have no problem with their employer expecting a certain level of job performance, but that door swings both ways. When employees are lied to by their "leadership", it does leave bitter feelings, and, sometimes, incompetent, or non-existant, leadership, makes one's job very difficult. CP is a forum where people can vent their frustrations, and, I'd bet, a fair amount of hyperbole. It doesn't mean we're all holed up at a Panera's for 8 hours a day. In fact, since the posts are anonymous, you can't even be sure they're being made by Abbvie personnel.

You missed the point in its entirety. If all you want to do is sit and bitch about how everybody fucked you over then you are in for a rather rude awakening. My point was to actually wish those people that do not have a sense of entitlement that work(ed) at AbbVie good luck. Nothing more, nothing less. Again, it's nice to see some positive people in the field and I was simply wishing the person the best because it sucks that somebody that I'm sure worked hard lost their job. Now, bitch away because you have nothing better to do and are likely to misconstrue everything I wrote.

Walk a mile in other people's shoes, my friend. Did you ever stop and consider that maybe some people have a legitimate gripe? I would guess that most folks have no problem with their employer expecting a certain level of job performance, but that door swings both ways. When employees are lied to by their "leadership", it does leave bitter feelings, and, sometimes, incompetent, or non-existant, leadership, makes one's job very difficult. CP is a forum where people can vent their frustrations, and, I'd bet, a fair amount of hyperbole. It doesn't mean we're all holed up at a Panera's for 8 hours a day. In fact, since the posts are anonymous, you can't even be sure they're being made by Abbvie personnel.

I'm so glad you realize that a lot of people who post on here don't work for the company. I'm a college student and people in my dorm love to post on the Abbvie site for fun. Thanks for providing my dormates hundreds of fun hours of laughter.

It's amazing how many posters on this site have no reading comprehension skills. The above post rants on about the CC team "spewing" about losing their jobs, when the referred post said nothing of the kind. It referred to misleading statements made by leadership about the search for replacements for products facing LOE.
Next time, moron, trying reading things and then THINKING before responding. I know it's a radical change for you, but make things happen.

Yeah, but all you dummies are the same. Complain about "misleading statements" made by a corporation......Really? Since when does a corporate entity tell its employees the truth? All that matters is shareholders, the bottom line, and appearing to keep a clean nose. What rock have you lived under?

Hey, Buckey, take it easy there..... I was a "lifer", but not lazy. There are/were a whole bunch of us out there for 25 or 30 or 35 years that never pushed work aside or to someone else. For our entire adult lifetime, we did the job, going above and beyond. So don't be smearing those of us that put in a heck of a lot of overtime as a sales rep just to get the job done right.
Thank you.

Someone from CVC is STILL Mad. Awwww do it hurt ?

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