
Would not consider this company. They are like a teenager going through puberty without the insight to know they don’t know what they need to do to grow up. Immature leaders, caustic environment across all aspects( commercial, medical affairs) Nepotism and cattiness rule the roost.

Like most small incestuous rare disease companies that bring their "minions" a shit show that pays fairly decent - you get called on little things and just ponder what about the bigger issues at hand?

I'd agree with the above. Been there a for about a year now and can tell you that people are not promoted based on skills. Pay is OK to above average and benefits are good. However, everyone, and I mean everyone, is fighting with each other to get promoted, so they can go somewhere else. Clinical Operations leadership is the worst in the business - the leadership teams consists of people with little to know experience, but who are in the clinique with the Vice President. Helps to have blonde hair, be a woman, and suck up big time. Commercial is another area to stay away from.

Other parts of the company seems stable. If you need a job, then here is one, if you want job satisfaction then stay away.

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