Hey XXXXX your post remind me of an SS Officer in Hitler's 3rd Reich making up excuses. Your opinion is so far incorrect I get the notion you are talking about an entire different company than Castle. In fact, your opinion is so adulterated it may not even be wrong?
I know thing for sure, SHOW ME THE MONEY ! CASTLE hasn't shown any of us any money. It's becoming a joke. HC1 is just a way to keep all of us off our game! How many accounts is Castle going to loose before they figure that HC1 isn't going to get them sales. It tracks them, DUGH!!!!! You and you group are proven losers. And it's happening today to you. More clinics dropping your services. Check that category on the IPad. XXXXXX. That will explain it all.
This is what happens when you have in effective management of a company. They go out of business. The reason I can figure why more of us haven't been fired is because you can't afford to train anymore. I wouldn't have this negative opinion of this deal except you used fraud to get a lot of us to quit our paying jobs for this .
If your grammar is any indication of your sales skills, it is no wonder you haven't been "shown the money". Or maybe English isn't your first language? In any case, let me try to decipher your nonsense and address your attempts at points...
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Xxxx didn't make up a single excuse, but rather addressed the many given on these threads for the poster's inadequacies. Xxxx went on to point out that many of us have become successful under the EXACT same circumstances you complain incessantly of and use as excuses for your failures.
"In fact, your opinion is so adulterated it may not even be wrong?" What does that even mean?
"CASTLE hasn't shown any of us any money" Projecting. Just because you and yours are ineffective and not making money, doesn't mean everyone is having your experience. Many of us are making good money! Castle is STILL growing despite your attempts to make people believe the contrary.
"HC1 is just a way to keep all of us off our game" More of the excuses for your failures that you people are famous for.
"You and you group are proven losers." Again with the Projecting... Let's try to stay in reality, not delusions in your head or begrudging comments spread by others. I and many others are the exact opposite of losers. Losers sit around and complain about why they can't do something, winners go out and do it. Winners find opportunity in adversity, Losers... well they just complain about the adversity.
"This is what happens when you have in effective management of a company. They go out of business." Or they fire the non producing people with all the excuses of why it can't be done and let the producers/believers take the company to new heights. We all have the same management as you, it is simply a matter of perception.
Go out of business? More clinics dropping Castle? So I guess the increasing weekly samples are the misinformation being spread rather than the BS your perpetuating? Right... Our Castle is Expanding... with or without you!
"you can't afford to train anymore." That statement truly shows your ignorance of business. In my experience, it cost way more to keep underperforming complainers than look for fresh, new talent.
"I wouldn't have this negative opinion of this deal except you used fraud to get a lot of us to quit our paying jobs for this." So let me get this straight, Castle called and pursued you. I was not aware that Castle hired headhunters to recruit the salesforce. Admittedly, I guess I wasn't worthy of pursuit as I answered an ad for employment because I was unhappy at my previous job.
Fraud... Hardly. They offered us all the same opportunity, not a guarantee. What you do with it is entirely on you. From your post, I am assuming that you are squandering it while blaming everything on management... Typical, those who complain the most accomplish the least.