Carl-Fl DVP- Karma


So a person on the inside who actually sees the weekly sales numbers told me
that CB, the DVP of Florida, who has 10 reps, only had 31 Samples last week....
He has been the DVP for 5 or 6 months now.....WOW...

Welcome to the SUNSHINE STATE CARL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karma- It looks like you are getting served what you deserve...........
Instead of replacing your sales reps......maybe Castle should replace you ????

This is no different for any other territory.

I know...The difference here is Carl-DVP.....Having to hear himself brag about what
a great manager he is with all his experience is a joke...Telling us we can make
$300,000 a year in Florida....another laugh...........Nothing I was told when I was
hired has happened......250 samples a week??? never happen here....

No problem for castle or threat, after hearing how great a salesman he is time and time again I'm sure he can rise to the occasion and show us all how it's done ?
Or is he just a stupid liar?

I don't know about MS. Avon-Stacy.............
The person in Corp office that told me about Carl's numbers is
sporting a Castle Tattoo.......

Robert has a Weak Link.................

SMH....There you go again with the personal attacks....... You might want to get a new source as you are, once again, misinformed...........
Does the tattoo remark mean we are suppose to believe you more or believe the person with the tat more or less?...... A lot of good people at Corporate office sport a Castle tattoo, because, unlike you, they believe in this company and their value within it! They don't troll anonymous b*tch boards to start and spread lies and misinformation....... When they have an issue, they stand up, speak up and offer solutions rather than burn the house down. Move on with your life....... Let us go...... You will sleep better and probably find a new job better suited for your talents (or lack thereof).......

You are a Weak Link and most likely why you are no longer with the Castle........

SMH....There you go again with the personal attacks....... You might want to get a new source as you are, once again, misinformed...........
Does the tattoo remark mean we are suppose to believe you more or believe the person with the tat more or less?...... A lot of good people at Corporate office sport a Castle tattoo, because, unlike you, they believe in this company and their value within it! They don't troll anonymous b*tch boards to start and spread lies and misinformation....... When they have an issue, they stand up, speak up and offer solutions rather than burn the house down. Move on with your life....... Let us go...... You will sleep better and probably find a new job better suited for your talents (or lack thereof).......

You are a Weak Link and most likely why you are no longer with the Castle........

Looks like someone is starting to crack under the pressure.

Hahahahaha! You crack me up... Get it? Crack me... Oh never mind, there is no use having a battle of the wits with an unarmed person.


There are happy people at Castle and we need to voice it so others who are struggling know that a few weak pathetic "professionals" are not the majority. I love working here. We have issues with small things that we try to work out as with any company. I have NEVER had a doctor talk about CafePharma. Are you kidding me with this. If you represent yourself as half the pro you all claim to be then you are the successful face of Castle. I attribute my success to my hard work and learning EVERYTHING about my field. You attribute your failures to Rob, HC1 and this and that. Not everyone is guaranteed to succeed at every company. Go and make it happen, and if you can't, it's OK, move on. Believe it or not, I have tried jobs that were not a good fit for me. I cut the ties and moved on. I never sat there and b!tched. It's OK, this isn't socialism, guarantee of equal outcome does not exist.

Everything that bothers you here bothers you because you see it as the reason for not succeeding. I have done well, along with many others under the same EXACT circumstances. Sometimes, it doesn't work out. Castle is growing and improving. Some of us love it, some don't. If circumstances change to where I am not able to succeed, then I pack my bags and move on.

For those who are on the fence, please know there is a diffeet side to this BS. I am one of the ones who will make over 200k. No fluke, accounts handed to me etc. If you think a CRM system or this other BS can stop you, then jump off the fence on the other side, but, if you can go out there and learn your craft and sell, you may end up being one of the ones who loves Castle.

Castle did not teach me to sell or close. They gave me the vehicle to arrive at where I am. Make no mistake, I drove!!!

That is awesome. I am glad you have found success at Castle. Once again you miss the point. Yes, most all sales companies have CRM data bases. Ours has issues like any other. We are not just "bitching" we are trying to bring up solutions and make Castle see that they could have even more successful people like you if they applied realistic sales goals. All territories are different and grow at their own pace.

Great post to say you are happy but you are calling 50-60 people weak pathetic professionals? I have had great success in other medical sales and I am having success now. I am neither weak nor pathetic.

Great post to say you are happy but you are calling 50-60 people weak pathetic professionals? I have had great success in other medical sales and I am having success now. I am neither weak nor pathetic.

50-60 people? Hardly...
If you are having success now, why are you on this board now? Move on. The negativity is only going to hold you back.

SMH....There you go again with the personal attacks....... You might want to get a new source as you are, once again, misinformed...........
Does the tattoo remark mean we are suppose to believe you more or believe the person with the tat more or less?...... A lot of good people at Corporate office sport a Castle tattoo, because, unlike you, they believe in this company and their value within it! They don't troll anonymous b*tch boards to start and spread lies and misinformation....... When they have an issue, they stand up, speak up and offer solutions rather than burn the house down. Move on with your life....... Let us go...... You will sleep better and probably find a new job better suited for your talents (or lack thereof).......

You are a Weak Link and most likely why you are no longer with the Castle........

Talk about personal attacks !!!!! The Truth stings doesn't it ????
Don't misinterpret the Truth & Speaking out & all of us communicating.
Your the only one calling this a b*tch board...

Talk about personal attacks !!!!! The Truth stings doesn't it ????
Don't misinterpret the Truth & Speaking out & all of us communicating.
Your the only one calling this a b*tch board...

I guess "truth" is in the eye of the beholder... I haven't read any "truth" on this thread whatsoever, but if this is your truth, so be it.
Stings? Hardly.
Again, people communicate by speaking directly, not anonymously.
I call it like I see it, it is an anonymous b*tch board. I haven't personally attacked anyone but every other post I read does.