Cardiva Medical

Ohio Rep was once a good guy who ran for US Senate or House...cant remember. He was a longtime rep and worked his ass off for the company and then they cut him loose. He should have won the election but some women held her seat. This story could be told all over the country with this company. Great Rep in Atlanta, a year or two ago, woman cant remember her name....maybe Chris. Clinical in Atlanta left on her own but it was a huge loss for this shitstain company. Carolinas, guy named Rob...great rep but a horrible manager and got caught in her buzzsaw. Rep in TN, named Mike got caught in the same buzzsaw....the stories can go on and on....stay away unless you are unemployed. I am good friends with a recruiter who told me these stories and talked me out of a position with them.

So funny that this company still is a viable option.....Hematoma Heaven. I am in Medical sales and knew several reps that sold this product. When my Dad had a Heart Cath those reps, employed by Cardiva, told me that my Dad should not have this device, their device, used on my Dad. Several Hematomas back to back to back.....not to mention manual compression that is understated on a time compression clock???? Please go away.

By the way, I knew several reps that left and were above board when discussing the company and the upper management so they didn't Burn a Bridge but there wasnt one Class act in upper management.....oh well.....the muxt bail water better than most...

Whats up with Cardiva? Hiring new sales force? Clinicals?

looks like same slime ball from other post that was trying to act like an applicant...what do you have a CI monitoring, competitive landscape report due and no one legit to speak with...sales force, AND clinicals? why don't you just cut and past your clients questions right onto CP