Cardiovascular Specialty openings - fixed duration


Does anyone know about this sales force? I am currently laid off from my past neuro position and have both cardio and specialty experience. I'm not crazy about the fixed duration aspect, but this work is better than no work. I'm scheduled for a phone interview next week.

Which products are being promoted? What is Lilly's salary range for "experienced specialty" reps? What are the target bonuses? It seems to differ greatly from company to company.

Any and all input will be greatly appreciated.

Does anyone know about this sales force? I am currently laid off from my past neuro position and have both cardio and specialty experience. I'm not crazy about the fixed duration aspect, but this work is better than no work. I'm scheduled for a phone interview next week.

Which products are being promoted? What is Lilly's salary range for "experienced specialty" reps? What are the target bonuses? It seems to differ greatly from company to company.

Any and all input will be greatly appreciated.

The salary is between $72K and $110K. I would put a new rep in the high 70s to low 80s. Target bonus is $22K for the year (divided quarterly). 17 days vacation (15 plus 2 floaters, in addition to the week in between xmas and ny). Cardio will launch a new testosterone drug in a few months. This will make four drugs.

The salary is between $72K and $110K. I would put a new rep in the high 70s to low 80s. Target bonus is $22K for the year (divided quarterly). 17 days vacation (15 plus 2 floaters, in addition to the week in between xmas and ny). Cardio will launch a new testosterone drug in a few months. This will make four drugs.

You must be from Lilly Care: Thanks for some answers that really matter. Just one more question, "when do I start?"

The salary is between $72K and $110K. I would put a new rep in the high 70s to low 80s. Target bonus is $22K for the year (divided quarterly). 17 days vacation (15 plus 2 floaters, in addition to the week in between xmas and ny). Cardio will launch a new testosterone drug in a few months. This will make four drugs.

An FDE will top out at around 72,000. lol 110k for a rent a rep!!

Hey don't rain on my parade Lady. I have bills to pay. That engagement ring is costing me $450 per month and we're not even married yet.

Hey, numnuts.... if you are worried about bills, just hire an escort. She will be more fun and still save you a ton of money. And it also can be a "fixed duration" proposition.


Hey, numnuts.... if you are worried about bills, just hire an escort. She will be more fun and still save you a ton of money. And it also can be a "fixed duration" proposition.


You really think so... I did that once. She took my credit card and the next thing I knew, I was paying $800/month to pay off her $10000 spending spree. What was I supposed to tell the police? Dear old dad was more than a little annoyed, but hey after dropping 250k on Junior's Ivy League education, what could he say - this was chump change.

You don't know a lot about women, do you?

Has anyone had any correspondence regarding a position in this division? I had a PI 4 weeks ago and was asked to submit transcripts and references the following day. I have yet to hear back. Does everyone who has a PI get asked for transcripts, etc?

Has anyone had any correspondence regarding a position in this division? I had a PI 4 weeks ago and was asked to submit transcripts and references the following day. I have yet to hear back. Does everyone who has a PI get asked for transcripts, etc?

Frustration, waiting, being ignored, no's all part of your training to go to work for Lilly. Get used to it.