Cardionet Stock over/under $2 in 2012?

Wow! If you two are are in sales it's now obvious why CN isn't growing. Obviously a personality evaluation wasn't performed if they hired you. I just can't figure out how you both fooled them in the interview process. Obviously you didn't put former coworkers down as references or they weren't contacted because neither of you possess genuine sales personalities. Also neither possess computer skills because it's not hard to find out who's posting. Please just save the company time and find employment elsewhere so you can complain, blame and act a fool elsewhere.

Wow! If you two are are in sales it's now obvious why CN isn't growing. Obviously a personality evaluation wasn't performed if they hired you. I just can't figure out how you both fooled them in the interview process. Obviously you didn't put former coworkers down as references or they weren't contacted because neither of you possess genuine sales personalities. Also neither possess computer skills because it's not hard to find out who's posting. Please just save the company time and find employment elsewhere so you can complain, blame and act a fool elsewhere.

Tony, go read a management book or take a steroid, you are so blind or drunk on the koolaid, it is effecting your postings!

How does Cardionet pay their sales Reps? Per activation? What does the average Cardionet sales Rep make ?

Don't even waste your time looking into Cnet. Joe is a liar and so are all his department heads.
They will come up with every excuse not to pay you or give you a raise. Last year supervisors were told by department heads to give bad reviews so no one could get a raise. But if you look Joe and all his idoits got raises and bonuses for doing shit andfucking over the workers. No one has seen any department heads inabout a year. They are scared to face their employees. Cardionet will be out of business or a very small company ina few years. Don't waste your time. Theresa few good competitors in SF. You should look into them. They pay more and give raises.

 guys are hysterical. I sold my CN stock over $30 several years ago. Still remember those who were, "holding on"....hahahLearn something here people, a stock will never be worth as much as it is when a company goes public. Why do you think the major shareholders unload at that point??? ie....Jim Sweeney

Physicians are wanting a Fee for Service model in most of the country. Holter has usually been positioned as such and Mednet as well as Biomedical Resources does a great job of giving the Physician offices a flat fee. We need to wake up as 2 out 3 Cardiology Groups are for sale or being purchased by the Hospitals or Health Systems. Event Monitoring is a low end business and attempts to make it anything but that have proven to be a disaster. As indicated by Cardionets plunge of the fiscal cliff.

You will see more Health Systems wanting complete control of the Technical and Professional billing in all three modalities. You will see prices for Event Monitors at $170 and Telemetry under $400.00 soon. This will be the ultimate end of the Cardionet Model.

The biggest mistake other than that was to get in bed with Braemar they can't make anything that not only looks decent but even works and their reliability is horrible.

Good bye Cardionet and Good riddance!

You've got some good information re Mednet and are possibly right, but CardioNet can still survive if they make the right moves. They need to use a better, cheaper, less labor intensive device and they need to outsource all of their monitoring overseas. Perhaps they need to be less "Cardio" and more multi-therapeutic.

You can make money in this business. It's mismanagement and poor foresight that's led to this.

 guys are hysterical. I sold my CN stock over $30 several years ago. Still remember those who were, "holding on"....hahahLearn something here people, a stock will never be worth as much as it is when a company goes public. Why do you think the major shareholders unload at that point??? ie....Jim Sweeney

The market is up over 300 points today and BEAT is down?? What does that tell ya???

Why does anyone care about cnet? It has terrible leadership, bad training, management has been hiding for over a year. Wait, they finally told us they have been fucking up for years. Their greed has lead to everyone in pa losing their job so they can't pay a unqualified non-english speaking personto work in poor conditions for$50 a week. We already hear this line enough from doctors who dont believe in cnet "The doctor does not take calls from cnet". Mmmmmm a doctor puts his pt on cnet but doesnt want to be bothered I wonder why? Better get use to it losers.

I read that some hedge fund managers were jumping on the stock.
For whatever news or reason, I have no idea. Something is really fishy.
Why anybody in their right right mind would invest in CN I have no idea.
Rewarding for poor performance is so American these days!