
This "launch" is a joke. Typical corporate arrogance that has been growing here for years. Don't need your reps to sell it? Hilarious results ensue. I won't even talk about it or remotely support it. Then comes the desperate emails talking about the 1 to 1 sales ratio between a mems and BiV. What a joke. The numbers aren't and won't be good. The street won't have it with all that institutional money invested and "senior leadership" will have to be shuffled. One dbag out one dbag in. All in the game I suppose.

SJM better hope that MEMS dollars keep coming in, because the core CDRM business is declining fast.

But, alas, the MEMS dollars will not keep flowing because the product is too difficult to support. Our customers barely have resources to stay ahead of remote monitoring. MEMS will bury them in follow up.

As a nurse manager in outpatient HF, I can say these implants reduce the amount of time on the patients. We've reduced frequent flier visits. Patients love it. We have about 20 in (we were part of study), and will do lots more next year.

obviously you have not been reading up that....NO ONE IS PAYING FOR IT! Another suggest that the price need to be reduced by 15k. Between compliance and cost, this product is doomed.

Omg. It at least felt good to purchase a new backpack today. It's like I'm almost a doctor now that I look sweet in my matching scrubs. What a way to build credibility with my customers.

I'm the NP running an outpatient HF clinic. We've placed 10 devices, and are tracking time in management closely to please administration. So far all is VERY VERY good. We HAVE to reduce readmissions in these patients or we will be penalized by Medicare, far more than the cost of this system. We have not added staff to manage the data. Adjustments to diuretics is the most common change. We are quite sure that overall patient interaction is DOWN on these patient, and they are healthier and happier. Our Director was at AHA and they released new data showing even better results in the system. Our sales rep was a CardioMEMS employee and she is great. Quite a bit of training to make sure we are ready to manage based on pressure.

I'm the NP running an outpatient HF clinic. We've placed 10 devices, and are tracking time in management closely to please administration. So far all is VERY VERY good. We HAVE to reduce readmissions in these patients or we will be penalized by Medicare, far more than the cost of this system. We have not added staff to manage the data. Adjustments to diuretics is the most common change. We are quite sure that overall patient interaction is DOWN on these patient, and they are healthier and happier. Our Director was at AHA and they released new data showing even better results in the system. Our sales rep was a CardioMEMS employee and she is great. Quite a bit of training to make sure we are ready to manage based on pressure.

I run a HF Clinic in San Diego. Is there any reimbursement for the Physician for the follow up?