Card Surg / Perfusion


1st off these guys are blood mover people, why doesn't this group identify as "Blood/Perfusion"
You can call it Cardiac Surgery not Cardiopulmonary but these are blood people!

2nd, met with this guy who was a sales mgr of sorts and they made him NSM. Claims perfusionist sell to perfusionist, start to finish purchasing decisions only made by perfusionist.
This guys looking to get fired, what planet is he on, suppose its all clinician preference, right!!
Somebody need's to tell this guy fee for service model has switched to Value based care. Guess what cowboy, your perfusionist is gonna get destroyed when it gets to a business situation where the discussion is with procurement types. Pricing and clinical data are feed into procurement systems and your clinical preference discussion is gone. Allot these decisions are made higher up and pushed down to the employees (Doc's/Surgs/Clinicians) GPO/IDN makes the call so good luck with your non sales person discussing blood.