Car options for Diabetes reps


Here we go again. Why would anyone ask cafepharma lizards about cars? The answer is a “free” car. If you really need special consideration I’m sure you will be accommodated appropriately.

Yes the car is free and I am grateful for it, but I drive a large territory and spend many hours at a time in the company car. In fact I got the the car in April and I already have close to 30000 miles on it. So quit being an a$$ when someone ask this valid question. The best answer was to ask the manager. Maybe you have never had a bad car and do not know it’s is painful. Lucky for me I don’t have them long.

Just don’t put rims on your company whip. Fleet had a fit when I graduated them teenagers it came stock with. Said it voided the warranty between that and sub upgrade. My manager said though it was sharp he had to notify. told him I was gonna buy it out after- had to sign an agreement early saying I would do so

Car choices aren’t bad and they have good color choices plus they give you a gas card the entire family can use

Just don’t put rims on your company whip. Fleet had a fit when I graduated them teenagers it came stock with. Said it voided the warranty between that and sub upgrade. My manager said though it was sharp he had to notify. told him I was gonna buy it out after- had to sign an agreement early saying I would do so

Car choices aren’t bad and they have good color choices plus they give you a gas card the entire family can use

Jesus, I hope you are kidding. What kind of ass-hat would put rims on a company car?! Lol.