Cancel NVS Contract

Novartis MS contract has more than a ten percent vacancy rate. Novartis will figure this out and cancel the contract. Publicis can't or won't hire good reps who stay in their jobs and produce. I think it is a violation of the terms of the contract.

The same thing happened on the CV contract. We had 50% turnover. It’s not the recruiter, it’s Novartis. Training in 2016 was a nightmare. It was excessive and many people started looking for work after training. Sounds like the same thing is happening on this contact.

It's both PDI and NVS. PDI isn't telling the recruits the truth about the job. That you will be treated like you have never done Pharma before and you will be on a perpetual job interview and treated badly once you get out of that excessive training. They both "hoodwinked" the recruits into believing something that it was not.

What's happening? Typical of all PDI + Novartis contracts, since the Novartis reps havent been working they create havoc when more experienced reps, PDI, shows up and actually works. PDI reps quickly find out that the NVS reps havent been working and are actually pretty stupid. So what do the moron lazy pos NVS reps do?, they create a hostile work environment. Many times the NVS ABL is just as lazy and dumb and pitches in to create a hostile work environment for the PDI reps. NVS reps and ABLs are scumbags losers. Way overpaid to produce very little. The proof in the pudding is that NVS goes out and hires help because they recognize their own lazy a-holes.

this will continue as long as we have Novartis losers in our (PDI) management. All Novartis and ex-Novartis reps and mgrs lazy dumb turds, complete losers

What is going on with the recruiting for the Gilenya MS jobs?? Candidates with 8 years of experience in the therapeutic area and a strong track record are not even given a phone screen with the hiring manager or a face to face interview?? What gives?

When will it ever end?! For those with integrity who actually care, work, I applaud you. You deserve so much more than this contract. The rest of you are either new or too lazy or cannot find a job to get out (you suck). The lazy ones make our lives hell at nvs. Please understand why we dont talk to you. No one in their right mind would. Our abls hate you. They cant do anything with you. You are a waste of space for a real person who wants to make a difference. Just stay home. It would be better for all of us.

oh please, you/re a lowly moron trying to pat yourself on the back for no deserved reason. You novartis imbeciles can't sell anything and that's why they hired us. The abls are almost as stupid as the lazy mentally ill cv2 reps. You novartis reps and abls have stayed home since launch that's why we were brought in. Now you want us to stay home too?

Everyone knows the PDI reps are the biggest whiners and least productive of anyone promoting Entresto, bar none. Can't wait to see the lot of you laid off!

Btw, without a doubt, by an overwhelming margin, the most asinine & clueless comments come from you guys at PDI during our Mon conf calls. Please STFU! How did you get hired? Leave already and go back to McDonalds! Ditto for the PDI RMs wannabes!