Canada - Synvisc

Nope... from Canada...stamped on a letter from FDA says that they dont recommend buying outside the USA, but you can do it!!!!
So guess what!!!!! business is going to Canada in a rush!!!!

Yeah, they don't recommend it because it is illegal. Sure you can do it, all it takes is an internet connection and a credit card, you just can't do it legally. If it is so above board and legal, post his name so we can all ask him for a copy...oh, right, except that he does not want the FDA or OIG breathing down his neck. I don't beleive a word of it unless you let us know who it is so we can ask how its done.

Big deal. Are you really going to hang your hat on that one account? Docs have been doing this for a while and there haven't been any issues. Enough with the scare tactics. If they want to play the odds then let them. It's our own fault for not offering global pricing.

Texas is going after docs that use reimported synvisc. Fines >$80K

I saw a letter a doctor showed me today, from FDA, this is not against the law, but just warns doctors that they need to make sure where they are buying! He said meet the price Ill buy from you!! NOT even close!!!!!

Where was the letter from? India? Somebody could have easily fabricated that letter. Tell him he better not be billing Medicare. You can always call the DOJ.
What if 20 bucks or more a syringe isn't enough. How do these people sleep at night...

"Global Pricing" on Drugs and Medical, that's pretty funny....perhaps we should have "Global Pricing" on surgeries too. I hear in India, you can get a knee replaced for 4 grande in US dollars, that includes airfare and recovery as well. Just mention that to an orthopedic surgeon and watch his blood pressure increase. Here in the states that procedure bills out for around 35K.

At the end of the day it happens all the time, and it will happen more and more as prices cont. to go up.....If your doctors are doing it they will not tell you, bc your are some dumb dumb rep....I know I am a rep too!!! It is just a job!