Can you imagine what the meetings will be like in January?

Agree on most posts, however, rumor is we have been in the works to buy or co-market something. Will this be sooner now that the cluster-f___ known as Novartis senior leadership has done it again and totally screwed up a decent product (remember zelnorm?) Many heads in East Hanover should roll right out onto Rt 10 after this is over because they will have caused the demise of the company and directly caused the loss of hundreds of jobs. Our very credibility is shot. How do we now promote what's left (of, course, before the patents are challenged) and get any business. This isn't like when we lost Lotrel because there were plenty of products to promote. Now we have nothing. End of story.
How long will it be before JJ, BG AW and others resign? Let's wait and see.

This post is absolutely correct. Credibility is shot and that is a death sentence.

Even if by some miracle they have a new drug to promote, which they don't, what doctor is going to trust the message after the Tekturna fiasco? It's not that the doctors will suddenly decide they don't like the rep, it will be I don't like Novartis. Especially when doctors will now have to pull charts, call patients and take them off this drug before they have that first mild to moderate stroke.

Not to mention managed health care contracts. I can just see the pharmacy directors embracing another "new" world class Novartis agent especially while all those malpractice ads are running on the airways putting a few unemployed lawyers back to work.

I think the company released this purposely now before Christmas since Wall Street is shut down until Jan 3rd therefore the stock won't take as big of a hit and the news cycle will have passed over moving on to other stories. Gotta give them credit for timing the press release correctly it's a shame they cannot seem to manage the portfolio this well.

Novartis can spin this anyway they want, but a non fatal stroke is still a stroke. Has anyone had a family member/loved one suffer a stroke. Regardless to how mild to severe no one wants this to occur. Our credibility is shot. It will take some time to rebuild this as our docs will not trust or believe a thing we have to say about any new drug going forward.

Ok right and you know this how??.....this is BS Novartis could never get this together that quickly. They need everyone to put out the fires for a month or so

Honey get a clue!!! Novartis is not going to risk putting fs back out there for too long a period. Because before we know it some jerk trying to mr bad ass will say somthing inappropriate and get dr's in an uproar. Tek reps are better off by being fiered and not having to deal with those fires in the upcomimg weeks.. Avoid Lawsuits in Novartis legal department right now

Novartis can spin this anyway they want, but a non fatal stroke is still a stroke. Has anyone had a family member/loved one suffer a stroke. Regardless to how mild to severe no one wants this to occur. Our credibility is shot. It will take some time to rebuild this as our docs will not trust or believe a thing we have to say about any new drug going forward.

A non fatal stroke in many cases is the worse kind.

I like reading Cafepharma. It beats the crap out of any TV show out there. I feel really sorry for you guys who are in jeopardy of losing your position. It sucks. I went through it a long time ago with Aventis. At least Novartis waits till after Christmas. Do what I did and go find a medical distributor to work for. Better money, no headaches and no one riding your ass all the time. It is full commission but well worth it. The good distributors will help you get started and are fair. They don't want you to fail because they are small and most of them care a little bit. I went from making $75k to $120k in one year and might get close to $200k this year and I don't do anything that different than I did before. I am telling you life is better on the other side.