Can we have a mature talk about the layoffs in all divisions?


I know this is a forum designed for sales reps, but would anyone mind if I started a thread that can allow anyone to talk/vent about the layoffs, especially if you got terminated no matter what the division? If nothing else, we can compare notes, commiserate and support each other.

If someone is supportive of this, I will be the first to post.

Thank you.


Best advice I can give is make sure you understand your severance package and watch out for what they tell you on the phone. They are not trained properly. Get the names of every single person you talk to and ask for them to put it in writing!!!!!

First, thank you for the great advice. Will keep that in mind for sure. Ok, here we go. Oct. 25 termination date 10/25 after 18.9 yrs of service with awesome performance reviews. Separation date is 12/24 but will be leaving site next week. Got health care for all of 2014, 2 weeks severance per year worked and an AIP bonus.

Our lawyer reviewed all the papers. H.R seemed competent in that the answers they could not provide, they referred me to the Fidelity Benefits Center. Because we were one of the first departments, they didn't seem overwhelmed. However, if I call again, I will get names. Sadly, at age 45, a new career is in the works.

good luck, 45 year old, depending on your skill set, it can difficult out here. Wherever you end up, do your best to determine where the cob/company might be in 10 - 15 years. The older you get, especially over 50, the harder it gets to land safely, and at a decent salary.

Its sad what the employment picture in the US has become....

By the way, thank you for the candor. We were in WP and the company get creamed--as did Upper Gwynedd. Just as an example, 13 out of 18 bone biologists were released (because of the partial failure of the the odanicab (sp?) filing.

good luck, 45 year old, depending on your skill set, it can difficult out here. Wherever you end up, do your best to determine where the cob/company might be in 10 - 15 years. The older you get, especially over 50, the harder it gets to land safely, and at a decent salary.

Its sad what the employment picture in the US has become....

Thank you for your kind words. Fortunately, native speaking Ph.D. statisticians are in fairly high demand. Head hunters literally started calling the next day. But, we don't want to move with a youngish son. So, it may be unideal for a while. Thanks goodness the references are outstanding. I think we may have gotten off very lucky.

I took mine in 2011 - honestly, it was the best thing that ever happened. I had a new position lined up very quickly that I've been very happy with. And I was 40! 40 is the new 30... you may think it's over but if you've kept your skills relevant, you'll be fine.

I took mine in 2011 - honestly, it was the best thing that ever happened. I had a new position lined up very quickly that I've been very happy with. And I was 40! 40 is the new 30... you may think it's over but if you've kept your skills relevant, you'll be fine.

Well, there have been multiple phone calls and e-mails with resume interest. I guess it didn't hurt to have great references. In clinical, but definition, you kind of have to keep your skills relevant...always researching and consulting with academia. The only downer is that one specific program language was not preferred at Merck. However, that language was used extensively during the Ph.D, so a tiny bit of brush up will be fine.

Just want to keep some stability for son, who is a anxious kid with some special needs.

First, thank you for the great advice. Will keep that in mind for sure. Ok, here we go. Oct. 25 termination date 10/25 after 18.9 yrs of service with awesome performance reviews. Separation date is 12/24 but will be leaving site next week. Got health care for all of 2014, 2 weeks severance per year worked and an AIP bonus.

Our lawyer reviewed all the papers. H.R seemed competent in that the answers they could not provide, they referred me to the Fidelity Benefits Center. Because we were one of the first departments, they didn't seem overwhelmed. However, if I call again, I will get names. Sadly, at age 45, a new career is in the works.

As one who thinks Merck has become a toxic, back-stabbing, dog-eat-dog shithole of a company...I have to nevertheless say that the severance details you mentioned in your 1st paragraph look reasonable and fair.

I doubt it's Merck trying to live up to any "respect and dignity" they owe their employees. Rather, they just did some cold, hard calculations and lawsuit-risk assessments. Likely, they plugged it into some actuarial simulation software, and determined that keeping folks on payroll through year's end + giving AIP minimizes their exposure to massive litigation.

As for me, I left on my own a few months earlier. It gave me a feeling of empowerment to leave on my own terms, rather than be called into an office and be given a blue folder. Yep, missed out on severance. Still do not regret it. It feels nice to leave with my sanity and dignity, and to not have someone else show me the door.

Anyway, best of luck to you buddy, and congrats on what looks like a reasonable severance package.

Native speaking? Is that an advantage? What year is this?

Well, this is all relative, of course, but another person in my group got 2 weeks severance period because he was only there for 1.5 years. Of course, getting let go was awful, but so was environment. Never felt talents were truly appreciated although my co-workers and consults did.

Thank you for your kind words. Fortunately, native speaking Ph.D. statisticians are in fairly high demand. Head hunters literally started calling the next day. But, we don't want to move with a youngish son. So, it may be unideal for a while. Thanks goodness the references are outstanding. I think we may have gotten off very lucky.

You're lucky not to be another worthless sales rep. They've received a Ph.D. is ass-kissing and not much more.

First, thank you for the great advice. Will keep that in mind for sure. Ok, here we go. Oct. 25 termination date 10/25 after 18.9 yrs of service with awesome performance reviews. Separation date is 12/24 but will be leaving site next week. Got health care for all of 2014, 2 weeks severance per year worked and an AIP bonus.

Thanks for posting -- sorry this happened to you. One of the saddest parts of this whole debacle is the number of "quality" people who are let go -- people that you'd think would HAVE to be retained. It stinks.

One good thing -- I'm glad they're not making people work the 60-day WARN period. I was separated in 2011 and had to come in for those 60 days (HQ employee) -- it was excruciating! After a few weeks all my projects were wrapped up and after that it was just incredibly depressing. Sep date of 12/24?? What where they thinking? Bah humbug!

I have noted that Merck like to let people go before major holidays. Is this a coincidence?

Many got a kick out of that. The ultimate Grinch!

Thank heavens there are still opportunities for math, risk management analysis Ph.D. I am not so sure I would want to have one in chemistry right now. If nothing else, Wall Street (groan) has a large need for them as well as, sadly, CRO's.

As always, thank you for the kind sentiments.

Thanks for posting -- sorry this happened to you. One of the saddest parts of this whole debacle is the number of "quality" people who are let go -- people that you'd think would HAVE to be retained. It stinks.

One good thing -- I'm glad they're not making people work the 60-day WARN period. I was separated in 2011 and had to come in for those 60 days (HQ employee) -- it was excruciating! After a few weeks all my projects were wrapped up and after that it was just incredibly depressing. Sep date of 12/24?? What where they thinking? Bah humbug!

Oh my, I cannot imagine having to work WARN period. And I certainly hope you were able to bounce back from 2011. Sad to see the death of a once great company.