Can we get a new job while on severance?


Can't bel. you people are really that dumb or lazy to ask such a question.
News flash: the economy is not that great and if your dumb ass gets an offer, take it.

Or do we have to wait? I have an offer but I am afraid to take it and lose my severance.

Just wait. Take your time. Let someone that wants to work take the job. You can just take it easy. You deserve a break, right?

I mean pharma sales is just a tough job.

God, I can't bel. I wasted so many years of my life surrounded by people like you!

Thank You Jesus for getting me out of this industry!


Pretty sure you can. I wasn't riffed but those that were checked and said they could take other jobs and keep the severance.

Watch out for the nasty and insane "Non-compete" clause if present .
ASK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are already "severed" :))
Also, depending on your position and responsibilities, any clauses that go beyond the severance time period.
One day the law will change, and this type of shit will be certified as in restraint of trade.
KoolAide is a bit bitter now, huh ????

Or do we have to wait? I have an offer but I am afraid to take it and lose my severance.

Here's the real deal if you take a job during the 8 week warn period you will lose compensation fron the day you take the job, i.e. no warn period compensation. You will still get the severance which kicks in after the 8 week warn period. You will get the money in a lump sum and thanks to our President, you will be paying more taxes!!!

The 901am post is correct assuming your job offer is outside Pfizer or as a contractor/supplier to Pfizer. If you have received your severance packet and take the job now then sign and return your letter the day before your new job starts and your regular pay ends for the 60 day notification. You still get all your severance you are entitled to in a lump sum, vacation pay, bonus, etc. you just short yourself out of the remainder of the 60 days. In this economy congratulate yourself and take the damn job and forget about few weeks you lost. It beats unemployment and job seeking for the next year.

You will get the money in a lump sum and thanks to our President, you will be paying more taxes!!!

Shouldn't you be fully paying for all that social security you'll be taking when you retire??? Oh wait, you're just another a-hole Conservative with a entitlement attitude who expects everyone else to pay for your retirement.....

Shouldn't you be fully paying for all that social security you'll be taking when you retire??? Oh wait, you're just another a-hole Conservative with a entitlement attitude who expects everyone else to pay for your retirement.....

Conservatives want others to pay for their retirement? Good lord you're stupid...

Conservatives=makers, liberals=takers

This concludes today's lesson...