Can we discuss the REAL problem?


What about issues such as growing insignificant products by 30% by April with 1/3 of the previous representation in some geographies??? I know I'm not the only one experiencing this. How does TPUSA expect to accomplish anything this way? Discuss.


I'm okay for when my time with Takeda is over but would like to leave on a high note - with as much bank as possible. They're making even working hard difficult. I have so much animosity toward Takeda right now. They're making nothing about this easy.

I'm okay for when my time with Takeda is over but would like to leave on a high note - with as much bank as possible. They're making even working hard difficult. I have so much animosity toward Takeda right now. They're making nothing about this easy.

It's all part of the master plan!By the way,you aren't working for the "old Takeda",when they actually cared!

I was waiting for a severance too and I was more than ready to volunteer during this last round. I do not understand for the life of me why that was not offered so that some people who wanted to be here could stay and people like me could go. I no longer think I can stick it out and have begun my job search. This is a miserable job with a miserable organization.

The real problem here is leadership-or should I say total lack of leadership. Worse yet-it is poor leaders that actually believe they are good. The great sin of TAP-surrounding yourself with your friends-no outside experience-no dissenting opinions-yes people with yes people. what a cluster!

I was waiting for a severance too and I was more than ready to volunteer during this last round. I do not understand for the life of me why that was not offered so that some people who wanted to be here could stay and people like me could go. I no longer think I can stick it out and have begun my job search. This is a miserable job with a miserable organization.

They knew it would be mass exedous thats why no offering up for volunteers.....cut all the huge salaries as this was all a money saving issue. Mark my may not be the next lay off but it wont be many after that...........THERE WILL BE NO SEVERANCE!!

Another problem is why did Takeda not cut deep enough at the DM level? There is no reason a DM could not manage 15-20 reps.

DM's provide a value to this company. They are not just middle managers that approve expense reports, as you would like to think. They manage the business and they coach the field reps within their district. Takeda used to do the regional trainer thing like everyone else, but now it is up to the DM to coach the rep.

DM's provide a value to this company. They are not just middle managers that approve expense reports, as you would like to think. They manage the business and they coach the field reps within their district. Takeda used to do the regional trainer thing like everyone else, but now it is up to the DM to coach the rep.

Most Pharma managers have no idea how to manage and lead. You can't have one without the other. Just because you had good numbers (Subjective) as a rep does not mean you have a clue about leading and managing people. This stupid industry is rife with this type of behavior. Most managers in pharma are a joke. Perhaps reps would not get the bad raps they have in sales if they had managers who could actually really teach them how to sell. There are a few who have this talent (very few) Most like to strut around like peacocks and act like they never did the same exact stuff that their reps are doing. They did. The sad part is they know it to be true.
This industry needs a serious overhaul on how it picks its leaders and how they are to lead and manage. Not be vindictive. The women managers are the worst. They try to pick fights and treat female reps like garbadge at times and try to act like they know what they are doing. The whole thing is a joke.

DM's provide a value to this company. They are not just middle managers that approve expense reports, as you would like to think. They manage the business and they coach the field reps within their district. Takeda used to do the regional trainer thing like everyone else, but now it is up to the DM to coach the rep.

Not really bud. You might like to think so, but you guys add zero value. You infringe on the sales call and get in the way. Don't you have some expense reports to do? Run along and get busy!

Not really bud. You might like to think so, but you guys add zero value. You infringe on the sales call and get in the way. Don't you have some expense reports to do? Run along and get busy!

Very true. The DMs kill access too. Physicians that I get in front of every single call suddenly avoid me when they see my manager. And I plant the seed with my manager when we get back to the car - like, that's odd, I see that guy all the time. Hopefully the DM can read between the lines.

The coaching really is a joke. How about you look at different segments of the business and help uncover some opportunities within the territory. One ride day per quarter would be fine.

Here is what I don't understand. Since we are "the best of the best" and have average tenure of 6 plus years why are we doing twice as many ride days as we did when we first started? Access in physician offices would be much better if they never allowed DMs to come back from any company. Just like our drugs there are too many me too managers in our company who would do no better job of promoting our drugs than us reps.