So your technology is sooo good you cannot get in network with any real plans and your stock has dropped 45%. Truly hilarious. Absolute delusion you kool aid drinking stooge.
Lol. Right on! Very true. Touché!
So your technology is sooo good you cannot get in network with any real plans and your stock has dropped 45%. Truly hilarious. Absolute delusion you kool aid drinking stooge.
So your technology is sooo good you cannot get in network with any real plans and your stock has dropped 45%. Truly hilarious. Absolute delusion you kool aid drinking stooge.
Lol, we LOVE watching Natera's POS stock go down, down, down. Another 52 week low!!!! HAHAHAH. You clowns who sold your souls for this stock IOP, How ya'all doing? Priceless. Enjoy the ride down Kool-aid Clowns!!
Oh yeah? How's your stock doing? How does your portfolio look? That's what i thought. To include market share, you have nothing. Progenity is a joke and every MFM in the country knows it. Say what you will about stock price and the shorts blah blah...our pipeline looks promising..liquid biopsy for detection of malignant DNA will do well. Won't be much of a commodity when it catches your moms ovarian cancer. Sit back and watch us while you peddle your me too carrier screen and NIPT...
At least you finally conceded on your POS NIPT, you Natera Stooge. Regarding LB, watch out, the other companies in and entering will eat your lunch. Mark my words. The best of Natera is over, hope it was fun while it lasted. Oh , hows your stock doing today? LOL.
You obviously have no idea of our pipeline and pending product launches. No one at Natera is worried, not one bit. Especially about anything that has to do with Progenity as a threat...that's laughable. Do you guys even have a salesforce? Not used in my neck or the woods
You obviously have no idea of our pipeline and pending product launches. No one at Natera is worried, not one bit. Especially about anything that has to do with Progenity as a threat...that's laughable. Do you guys even have a salesforce? Not used in my neck or the woods
You should see Natera's reviews on glassdoor - 2.8 average rating (out of 5) and if you click on the ratings trend, it mirrors their stock price. More people disapprove of their CEO than approve.
But this is what you should expect from a company managed by a bunch of liars and backstabbers!
Right, because people go on Glassdoor to leave GOOD reviews. That is laughable. Glassdoor is where the disgruntled employees go to complain because they were fired. Everyone knows that.