Agreed. Really wouldn't the $$$ that pays their useless salaries be better spent elsewhere? For that matter, they could hire more CBM's, the only people that work in this company.
Waaaaaaaah. Waaaaaaaah. Diaper wet. Baby needs a new diaper. Grow up, buckeroo.
CBM's should have access to SAM tools. That would be the most efficient, effective solution and the best use of company resources. But CBM's are viewed as children, not professionals, so that will never happen. If it ever miraculously did, there would be neverending role plays and Arête direction. Still not sure why SAM's haven't been put to better use, like dividing the sales force to where each sales professional could effectively sell a couple products, rather than ineffectively selling 4 (soon to be 5). So many people have voiced their concerns over this for years, but it's fallen on deaf ears. I don't want to see anyone lose their job, but they could really be used to strengthen sales instead of wasting company resources. If only shareholders knew what was going on!
I can't stand these SAMS, but i have to say that it all starts with their leadership. Mike H, is a complete BS artist. How no one has called this guy out for the BS that he allows his people to get away with is criminal. VH is an idiot, enough said about her. JA, good guy, but i fear that he has lost his way. and finally we have JP, nicest guy in the world, but not cut out for management. His people have no respect for him or his leadership (or lack of) skills.
Can just one of you please come on here and bullet point EXACTLY how you bring value to the company, the CBM and the customer. Please tell us in detail how exactly your are resposbile for increasing Dificid and Sivextro Access scripts?
Those who can't lead and don't know how to follow, criticize and complain. It's so much easier than actually being someone that counts.
Of course, CafePharma is the home to those disgruntled employees who don't seem to be able to find their way. It's sad and discouraging to those who are trying to deliver value in our jobs. But to readers, these sad folks represent the bottom of the Cubist barrel, so keep that in mind. Also, this person could learn how to spell to have a bigger voice. Just a suggestion.
You are either part of the solution or part of the problem. It's clear where you landed, but dude it's never too late to get smarter, you know wise up?