Not that I put much faith in anything Suzy says, but I wonder if she means you can retire when interest earned equals total annual spend including taxes/IE all in,- or when interest earned equals only your true expenses (utilities, taxes, insurance, groceries...). Some people might only need $50,000 to pay fixed expenses but their discretionary spend is another $50,000. Big difference between the two situations. I just always wonder what these financial 'experts' mean when they provide that kind of advice.
Her analogy is a bit silly regardless in my humble opinion, if you never touch principal and only take the earnings every year you can obviously retire. As long as your earnings also cover inflation. A little more in the way of specifics from her might be helpful; as in what if you also have Soc Security, a pension, passive income in addition to a retirement nest egg....
I think she means well but she tends to be overly simplistic with everything she says