I don’t care what u guys do but here but for discussion here is mine.
Retired last year at 62
No debt, house paid and own 2 new vehicles.
Social security for myself n wife 3950.00 mo
900K in 401K after I paid off house, I pull 2K each month from the interest and reinvest the remainder. Financial Advisor says if we live to 100 there will still b over 1 million in principal with current withdrawal rate.
Wife and I have a little home business that generates about 1500 month. Use that to pay for Merck retiree health and LTC with plenty left over.
I’d like to have 5 M but I’m fine without it.
The key is that you have to keep your withdrawal rate constant over extended period of time. This could be tough if inflation kicks back up over 5%. I'd try to grow the business enough to add to your savings.