Can I retire yet?

$4M boy is just having fun messing with everybody. Just killing time in his upstairs bedroom next to his folks, jumping back and forth between CP and internet porn

He'll stop posting once summer comes and he can ride his skateboard again

I say that you 3 to 5 million retirement idiots need to keep on working and make sure you reach those numbers before even think about retiring. I have 950K in 401k/Roth, etc. I have a paid off half a million dollar house, zero debt except utilities and a huge pension from my spouse. I am retired and loving it.

I need for you tools to keep on with the grind to make sure you keep paying in to SSI. I appreciate it. I am 54 by the way. Enjoy your careers.

I say that you 3 to 5 million retirement idiots need to keep on working and make sure you reach those numbers before even think about retiring. I have 950K in 401k/Roth, etc. I have a paid off half a million dollar house, zero debt except utilities and a huge pension from my spouse. I am retired and loving it.

I need for you tools to keep on with the grind to make sure you keep paying in to SSI. I appreciate it. I am 54 by the way. Enjoy your careers.

Stick to the original topic at hand. Thanks

I say that you 3 to 5 million retirement idiots need to keep on working and make sure you reach those numbers before even think about retiring. I have 950K in 401k/Roth, etc. I have a paid off half a million dollar house, zero debt except utilities and a huge pension from my spouse. I am retired and loving it.

I need for you tools to keep on with the grind to make sure you keep paying in to SSI. I appreciate it. I am 54 by the way. Enjoy your careers.
Don't converse with these morons. Pampered non ambitious snowflakes and pansies believe the world owes them all that is available. I like you used my god given intelligence to plan and prosper and live very well!

I’m a snowflake
I can’t retire unless I have 3 million
I’m entitled
No wait I earned it because I worked so hard in pharma
I need 5 million
You people are idiots
Some sitting in the basement of moms house eating ding dongs and jerking off to anim porn
Some melting because Trump won
Some deluded into thinking they are brilliant because they carved out a career in fiction at Merck

I’m a snowflake
I can’t retire unless I have 3 million
I’m entitled
No wait I earned it because I worked so hard in pharma
I need 5 million
You people are idiots
Some sitting in the basement of moms house eating ding dongs and jerking off to anim porn
Some melting because Trump won
Some deluded into thinking they are brilliant because they carved out a career in fiction at Merck

Another jealous ex Mercky or a never Mercky? Tell us which is it?

I’m a snowflake
I can’t retire unless I have 3 million
I’m entitled
No wait I earned it because I worked so hard in pharma
I need 5 million
You people are idiots
Some sitting in the basement of moms house eating ding dongs and jerking off to anim porn
Some melting because Trump won
Some deluded into thinking they are brilliant because they carved out a career in fiction at Merck

Please contribute to the conversation...3M or 5M?

3 million or 5 million
With 3 million I would have to shop thrift stores. With 5 million I could actually buy my clothes new at Target.
If you want to have a decent life your going to need a minimum of 7 million. Take it from me folks, I retired 3 years ago, I have a little over 10 million and I will spend all of it before I die.
Social security will be wiped out. Better save

3 million or 5 million
With 3 million I would have to shop thrift stores. With 5 million I could actually buy my clothes new at Target.
If you want to have a decent life your going to need a minimum of 7 million. Take it from me folks, I retired 3 years ago, I have a little over 10 million and I will spend all of it before I die.
Social security will be wiped out. Better save
You must be a boob. Much less needed