Hey soccer balls, anyone get kicked yet?
Nope! They are using me in the championship game!
Hey soccer balls, anyone get kicked yet?
You are full of shit. A) your first point, you use words like "virtually" and "most". You prove my point exactly to the tune that not ever, in the history of pharma have you seen 100% lay offs. Now, on to B) Massive territory reductions for WHC and Uro, sure, i can concur. However, when you say that 170 WHC territories will be cut, you are talking about every territory minus about 20. Not possible. We have too much success. That will never happen. Same with 150 Uro. I do believe the mass lay off will happen in URO, but you are clearly full of shit with your numbers. You think that over 85% of WHC will be fired from WC, a team that has collectively, over the last two year, brought a product to market and a decent share from 0% with all the generic competition out there?? Not going to happen. This merger will be the perfect opportunity for both companies to trim the fat and get rid of the non performers for both institutions. It will be head to head in every territory. This is a cut throat industry. Expect nothing less from this acquisition.
You WC people really are idiots. Most of you will not keep your jobs! I'll say it one more time, most of you will not keep your jobs!! Your salesforce has the worst reputation in the industry and management at Actavis knows it.
I feel strongly there will be layoffs for both companies. Mostly WC under performers and some good reps that just fell in a bad over lap situation. I don't think the blood bath will be as bad as everyone thinks. I think they will fire gastro, derm, and osteo reps who might be underperforming and put top Uro and whc reps that fall in an overlap in their territories. No one will be safe when they assess everything.
Shut up loser. No one cares what you think gloom and doom. Are you saying most (70%) of salesforce will be let go?! That's laughable. 30% reduction is a lot and probably more accurate. So, quit trolling count chocula and go back to ordering your panera bread orders for next weeks lunches on your shitty lunch budget.
If anyone remembers... the number of P&G sales reps that were let go at the time of the WC acquisition was greater than 80%. They didn't get rid of the WC reps and keep the P&G.
If anyone remembers... the number of P&G sales reps that were let go at the time of the WC acquisition was greater than 80%. They didn't get rid of the WC reps and keep the P&G.
They let the P&G reps go because they could not sell their way out of paper bag. They were not paid bonus. Salary only reps with no ability or motivation. WC reps are at least MOTIVATED by money. The long time P&Grs were lazy, and incapable. Who would stick around for a job that pays no bonus but a loser??? The P&G reps were pathetic. Hadn't done a sales detail in 20 years. It was so obvious!
They let the P&G reps go because they could not sell their way out of paper bag. They were not paid bonus. Salary only reps with no ability or motivation. WC reps are at least MOTIVATED by money. The long time P&Grs were lazy, and incapable. Who would stick around for a job that pays no bonus but a loser??? The P&G reps were pathetic. Hadn't done a sales detail in 20 years. It was so obvious!
There is no "seasoned" WC sales force. Ask HR what the average rep tenure is. Its less than two years, and tis is one of the most poorlu and unethically sales forces in the industry. The reputation of WC is pervasive and wide spread. It is synonomous witjh the term dubious. Actavis DID NOT buy WC for its sales force at all, I challenge you to provide a link to ANY reputable news organization that even suggests this.
Actavis purchased WC for the branded products and nothing else. Tey already have their own "seasoned" sales force. No hard feelings, but NO company acquires another for their employees, NONE! Stop deluding yourself, the layoff at WC will be massive including sales. No company buys another, then keeps the acquired employees while firing their own. This has never happened in the history of corporate america and will not happen now. What happened with P&G reps will happen to WC reps.