To be honest. I would be highly surprised if they sell many of these in the U.S. market. My undestanding of the S-ICD is that its basically a shock box with no pacing capabilities. As any good rep knows, the pain free study was a giant success and how many of your doctors do not use ATP therapy?.....Exactly. The lack of ATP and Post Shock capabilities alone would shy any EP worth his weight in salt away from ths device; not to mention the lack of diagnostic ability, trending, histograms etc. It's an inferior product to the current line.
So now your asking yourself...well WTF, somebody saw value in it, why else would they spend all this time, money and effort on it? The answer is.....3rd world countries.
This device is perfect for somebody at high risk, that is never going to get it checked or does not see a doctor regularly. Slap it in and send them on their way. It makes sense to me, I would like to hear some of your guy's thoughts on it though...without being completely negative dick-bags.